題名: 寶成工業經營分析報告
其他題名: POU CHEN Corporation business analysis
作者: 李媖妹
關鍵字: 寶成
business strategy analysis
financial statement analysis
PCC(Pou Chen Corporation)
系所/單位: 財稅學系, 商學院
摘要: 我們研究的主題為寶成工業的經營概況,研究期間為2008年至2021年間,我們透過經營策略、財務報表來探討公司的營運方針是否可行,利用SWOT分析、STP分析及五力分析得出寶成2002年進行垂直整合,提升了生產效率。於2012年時,為了平衡兩大業務的比例,而增加通路業務方面、擴展大中華地區門市數量,以達到擴大市占率的目的。 透過財務報表分析,寶成的獲利能力從2012年更換領導人蔡佩君女士上任後,進行了許多重大改革,包括使通路業務比率增加、裁員等,獲利能力受到了相當大的起伏,而後近年受到了新冠疫情的影響,訂單大幅減少,在面臨營運衰退的情況下,寶成利用了轉投資南山人壽讓他們脫離了此困境。最後,我們建議在面臨轉型的過程中,應致力於拓展網路市場才是未來的趨勢。
The topic of our research is the business overview of PCC(Pou Chen Corporation). The period of our research is from 2008 to 2021. We explore the feasibility of the company's operational policies through business strategies and financial statements. By using SWOT analysis, STP analysis, and Porter five forces analysis, we found that PCC conducted vertical integration in 2002, which improved production efficiency. In 2012, In order to balance the proportion of the two major businesses, increase the channel business and expand the number of stores in the Greater China region to achieve the purpose of expanding the market share. Through financial statement analysis, PCC's profitability has undergone many major reforms since the change of leader Ms. Cai Peijun took office in 2012. The main reforms include increasing the proportion of channel business and layoffs, etc., and the profitability is subject to considerable fluctuations. In recent years, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, orders have been greatly reduced. Facing a recession in operations, PCC used the reinvestment in Nan shan Life Insurance to get them out of this predicament. Finally, we suggest that in the process of transformation, we should devote ourselves to expanding the network market is the future trend.
學年度: 111 學年度第二學期
開課老師: 羅, 勝議
課程名稱: 財務報表分析
系所: 財稅學系, 商學院

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