題名: 茶染而生品牌企畫書
其他題名: CHARAN business plan
作者: 林欣宜
關鍵字: 品牌經營

Brand Management, Entrepreneurship, Brand Marketing, Tea, Tea Leaves, Aesthetics of Life
Brand Marketing
Tea Leaves
Aesthetics of Life
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 本論文旨在描述品牌創立與前期經營之情形,以此次專題中創立的全新茶品牌茶染而生為例,深入探討品牌創立之目的與動機、品牌架構、營運方式以及營收 模式,並分析目前社群經營狀況與販售情形。透過此論文研究,我們希望能夠了 解新創品牌在市場上的定位,以及品牌建立初期所面臨的挑戰和機會。 藉由競爭者分析、STP ( Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)策略、4Ps 分 析,確立了品牌理念、個性以及定位。同時,我們明確了目標客群,定位在對茶 感興趣、追求精緻、認同文化與藝術、追求品質生活和美感生活體驗的族群。在 品牌設計方面,我們注重原創性,從包裝到視覺設計都力求突顯品牌的獨特風格。 透過這些設計元素,我們希望能夠引起目標客群的共鳴,使其在品茶的同時體驗 到生活美學的愉悅。 茶染而生品牌的初步經營取得了一定的成果,社群粉絲數和銷售數量均呈現穩定 增長的趨勢。然而,仍需關注品牌在市場上的知名度和競爭環境,以制定更精準 的行銷策略。未來,我們將繼續注重品牌特色的突顯,進一步擴大社群影響力, 提升產品的市場占有率。
This thesis aims to describe the establishment and early operation of a brand, using the newly created tea brand, 茶染而生 as an example. It delves into the purposes and motivations behind brand creation, brand structure, operational methods, revenue models, and analyzes the current status of social media management and sales. Through this research, we hope to understand the positioning of a new brand in the market, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced in the initial stages of brand establishment. By conducting competitor analysis, STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) strategy, and 4Ps analysis, we have defined the brand philosophy, personality, and positioning. Simultaneously, we have identified the target audience, focusing on individuals interested in tea, seeking refinement, identifying with culture and art, and pursuing a quality and aesthetic lifestyle experience. In terms of brand design, we emphasize originality, striving to highlight the brand's unique style from packaging to visual design. Through these design elements, we aim to resonate with the target audience, providing them with an aesthetic pleasure while enjoying tea. The initial operation of the 茶染而生 brand has achieved certain results, with both social media fan base and sales showing a stable growth trend. However, attention still needs to be paid to the brand's visibility in the market and the competitive environment to formulate more precise marketing strategies. In the future, we will continue to focus on highlighting the brand's characteristics, further expanding social media influence, and increasing the market share of our products.
學年度: 112學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王, 郁彬
課程名稱: 跨領域畢業專題(二)
系所: 商學院綜合班, 商學院

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