題名: Access Control Policy Composition for Resource Federation Networks Using Semantic Web and Resource Description Framework (RDF)
作者: Hu, Vincent C.
Quirolgico, Stephen
Scarfone, Karen
關鍵字: Access Control
Semantic Web
期刊名/會議名稱: 2008 ICS會議
摘要: The availability of global, pervasive information relies on seamless access to federated resources through sharing and trust between the participating members. However, most of the current architectures for federation networks are designed based on a centralized authorization management schema that limits the dynamic composing, organization, and reuse of federation access control policies. A schema for such environments has not been well thought out. In this paper, we present an innovative schema using Semantic Web technology that leverages the pervasive capability of semantic content and the fluency of machine understandable knowledge for access control policy in federated environments.
日期: 2009-02-10T02:04:37Z
分類:2008年 ICS 國際計算機會議

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