題名: 逢甲大學器材借用登錄系統
作者: 張瑋庭
關鍵字: 資料庫管理系統
Database Management System
Management Information System
Equipment Loan Log-in System
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系,商學院
摘要: Equipment loan log-in system Introduction Summary The theme of our report is to meet with the responsible apparatus of the extracurricular activities group of Feng Chia University on its use of the loaning equipment log-in system. The system was conceptualized by Mr. Wu and designed by Mr. Tsai in accordance with the guidelines for cost, convenience, and testing time. The point of this text is to give a detailed introduction to this system. It is following an assessment of its value that we have come to introduce and recommend it. The system’s functions are divided into three categories as listed below with each of the underlying functions: The first category is “Head Users”. These are users that could use the system after they register successfully. After entering the main page, you are able to use three sub-functions that may appear: 1. Booking the name, date, and the quantity of equipment by adding the new borrowing information. 2. Checking the borrowing information to make sure that you can borrow it or not. 3. Delete the information that you have already booked before. Note: You have to apply for the equipment one week before you borrow them, and return the equipment within three days. You are not allowed to borrow equipment again if you have delayed returning them or if serious damages to the equipment have been found. The second category is “Back End Users”, who are the workers and managers of the extracurricular activities group operating the investigative equipment. We have outlined three functions to help us explain: First, The verifiable equipment system: To manage the users, the system audits and replenishes the borrowing catalogue. It records what equipment has been borrowed and what has been returned. It also includes a copy of the payback and receiving list for setting up the files. Second, The payback equipment system: To manage the users, the system provides the managers the ability to delete the borrowing data, or copy the students’ payback list. This allows the system to arrange the data so it coincides with the payback list which includes the list of people who haven’t received, and allows managers to set up the files favorably. The managers can use the files as references if there are any disputes. Third, Inquiry about the login system of the loaned equipments: This offers basic information about the equipment that has been loaned, as well as its statistical data, such as list and amount. Through it we can determine the priority given when purchasing new equipment in the coming season. The third category states that the Information Data System and Equipment loaning System are both supervised by Mr. Tsai. The equipment information on loan and return, the items’ increase, renews, and delete are be seen after Mr. Tsai typing in the specific password. It’ll also provide association members with renewed information through database system. This report emphasis on the whole structure, procedure, renewal, maintenance and systematic operation efficiency of the three categories we introduced. But also in the course of operating, assess on the systematic shortcomings are found as followed: 1. The Back End Information Data System has the firewall, but not the log-in system. 2. Training on the technology needs to be done before each semester starts. 3. Association member’s identification needs to be renewed each semester. 4. Carelessness will often happen when the workers operate on the system. 5. There is no scroll down function on the screen’s interface which makes it inconvenient. 6. The form for entering date has no restriction whatsoever. Shows problem with system designing. If the above shortcomings improve, it should make the system more convenient and operates smoothly. The following of this text will offer not only the most intact introduction and analysis but also the detailed information on the Equipment Loan Login System.
日期: 2006-07-28T02:59:44Z
學年度: 94年度第一學期
開課老師: 陳建文
課程名稱: 管理資訊系統
系所: 國際貿易學系,商學院

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