題名: EASY BAGS : Attractive solution for effective people
作者: Chistyakov, Philipp
關鍵字: Business plan
Business model
Camera bags
Russian market
系所/單位: 國際經營管理碩士學位學程, 商學院
摘要: This paper presents the business model made for the company that manufactures a photo camera bags. Easy Bags is a Taiwan brand for the camera bags made c especially for nonprofessional daily camera users. The biggest competitors for the camera bags market represent the professional oriented products. However at this moment the DSRL camera market grows mostly because of new nonprofessionals users who switch to the expensive professional oriented cameras with the purpose of improving the quality of the pictures. The business model presents the plan for the entering Russian and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) market with Easy Bags products. It contains the details about the markets opportunities, two years budget, manufacturing and delivery costs, promotion and distribution strategy, and management team.
日期: 2011-06-23T03:07:36Z
學年度: 99學年度第一學期
開課老師: Han, Yvonne
Han, I
課程名稱: 國際企業管理課程
系所: 國際經營管理碩士學位學程, 商學院

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