題名: 預售屋買賣:以不實廣告及定型化契約審閱期為中心
其他題名: The research Pre-sale housing trade base on the deceptive advertising and the right to scrutinize the standard-form contracts
作者: 林坤賢
關鍵字: 不實廣告
Consumer Protection Act
obligations of pre-sale housing
Pre-sale housing
系所/單位: 財經法律研究所, 商學院
摘要: 購買預售屋,為國內民眾買屋常見的方式,出售預售屋之建商或代銷公司,均為消費者保護法所指之企業經營者而有消費者保護法之適用。預售屋之買賣常見之消費關係爭議為不實廣告及定型化契約審閱權,本文便從消費者保護法之角度,選定實務案例來探討預售屋買賣中,有關廣告與預售屋買賣契約之關係及預售屋廣告真實性義務之要件及內容,並說明消費者保護法第51條懲罰性賠償於預售屋買賣不實廣告之適用情形;最後就預售屋買賣定型化契約審閱權之相關問題,透過相關的實務判決案例來加以深入分析說明,期望能指出我國法律在此部分不足之處,作為未來修法的參考。
Pre-sale housing is a common type of real estate transaction in Taiwan. Those companies selling pre-sale houses, including constructing and marketing companies, are all entitled the regulated under the Consumer Protection Act. Most disputes raised from Pre-sale housing are involved in deceptive advertising and the right to scrutinize the standard-form contracts. From the point of view to protect consumers, this paper will discuss the legal issues on the pre-sale housing. Based on selective cases, this paper analyzes the judicial opinions on requirements of pre-sale housing contacts and the obligations of pre-sale housing advertisement. Moreover, this paper will cover the application of punitive damages according to the section 51 of the Consumer Protection Act. Finally, this paper will illustrate the problem underlying the right to scrutinize the standard-form contracts in pre-sale housing.
日期: 2012-03-27T03:02:52Z
學年度: 99學年度第二學期
開課老師: 洪令家
課程名稱: 消費者保護法專題
系所: 財經法律研究所, 商學院

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