題名: 儲蓄互助社社員參與之調查研究:台灣西屯儲蓄互助社之個案
其他題名: A Study on Members’ Participation of Credit Union –Case of Xitun Credit Union in Taiwan
作者: 黃子齡
關鍵字: 儲蓄互助社
Credit Union
Participation motivation
Members’ participation
系所/單位: 商學院, 合作經濟學系
摘要: 本研究主要為探討西屯儲蓄互助社社員的參與動機與社員參與。針對儲蓄互助社內社員以不同構面來探討儲蓄互助社社員的相關性研究,並提供儲蓄互助社在與社員的多方面參考依據,以提高其儲蓄互助社運作的績效。 本研究以儲蓄互助社社員為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究;經統計分析後,結果顯示社員的參與動機與社員參與之間有顯著的相關。社員參與程度都處在中高階段,其中以忠誠最高;社員的參與動機,以社會責任最高。在人口統計變項中曾經擔任或現任互助社理事或監事,對參與動機之組織特性與社員參與三因素都有顯著的影響;在人口統計變項中個人有無穩定固定的工作收入來源,對社員參與之資訊分享與參與動機之組織特性都有顯著的影響。經過此分析結果希望儲互社從此研究尋找可行的方法來強化社員的參與動機、社員參與。 本研究結果顯示,虛無假設H1:社員的參與動機和社員參與有顯著相關、虛無假設H2:社員個人特質對參與動機有顯著影響與虛無假設H3:社員個人特質對社員參與有顯著影響,所有虛無假設皆成立。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the members’ participation and participation motivation of Xitun credit union. For credit union members in different dimensions to explore the correlation between members of the credit unions, and provides credit unions with members of various reference, to improve the performance of credit union operations. This research conducts questionnaire survey to credit union members for the study. By the statistical analysis, show members of a significant correlation between participation motivation and members’ participation. Member’s participation is high in stages, with the highest loyalty; members of the participation motivation, with highest social responsibility. Demographic variables in the former or current credit union director or supervisor, organization characteristic in participation motivation and three factors in the members’ participation all have the remarkable influence. Individuals in demographic variables have no stable fixed-income sources for members’ participation in information-sharing and the motivation of organizational characteristics have a significant impact. After this analysis result hoped credit union to find possible ways to strengthen the participation motivation and member’s participation. Results of this study show that null hypothesis H1: the participation motivation of members and members’ participation is significantly related, null hypothesis H2: member personal qualities have a significant effect on participation motivation and null hypothesis H3: member personal qualities have a significant effect on members’ participation. All the null hypothesis are established.
日期: 2013-04-25T07:50:23Z
學年度: 101學年度第一學期
開課老師: 郭廸賢
課程名稱: 非營利與合作事業綜合研究
系所: 商學院, 合作經濟學系

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