題名: 多喝茶茶:竹炭茶
其他題名: Drink more tea:Bamboo tea
作者: 王瀅嵐
關鍵字: 味丹企業
Bamboo tea
Marketing planning
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 此份報告是希望藉由我們的行銷計劃來使味丹企業曾經出現在市場上的竹炭茶產品能推廣上市,並且能得到消費者的喜愛。 因此我們先從內外部環境來分析味丹企業的SWOT,再針對SWOT所得到的部分來找出味丹竹炭茶能進入市場的策略,並根據此市場策略來設計竹炭茶的品牌,我們找出我們的目標族群:25至35歲喜歡喝茶,且較注重身體的健康調理與養身的女性上班族,並定位在:不只提供中和茶酸的健康茶飲,也以清新可愛的風格帶給女性上班族回歸童真的感覺。將品牌的調性設為清新可愛,並設計出我們的二位吉祥物:竹竹與炭炭。再以我們的定位來規劃我們的產品設計、價格、通路策略、與推廣策略,並進行虛實整合。在產品設計部份我們設計出與市面上平裝茶包裝不同的瓶身,並做產品概念的測試;在價格與通路上,我們也選擇上班族較能接受的價格,並且選擇上班族較常接觸到的通路;再推廣部份,我們做了電視廣告、平面廣告與戶外廣告的設計,並且針對實體現場活動與Facebook等虛擬媒體做一個整合,期望能達到行銷綜效。 最後我們做一個財務規劃,期望短期能打響竹炭茶的品牌知名度;中期能在台灣達到20%市占率;長期期望能進入華人市場。
We hope that we can help Vedan to re-promote the product, Bamboo tea, which once had been sold on the market and obtain many consumers' favorite by our marketing plan. For this reason, first, we start to find out their company’s points of improvement through the SWOT, and then plan a strategy to enter the market. Last, make marketing propagate based on the strategy to find our target group. We decide the 25-35 year-old female office workers, who like tea, and focus on body of health conditioning to be the target group. Products positioning are not only have a feature of neutralization tea acid of health tea drink, also have a fresh and lovely style making the female office workers to live the naivete over again. We set fresh and lovely to be our brand image. For this, we design two characters to be the product’s mascots, called Jhu Jhu and Tan Tan. Then we project a series of product planning including product, price, place, promotion (4P), and further integrate with virtual platform by our product positioning. According to the bottle design, we have made the product concept testing. Different than the market packing, it can be easily identified in the shelves. About the price and place, we give the affordable price to the office workers and choose the place make the products are readily available. In addition, we have commercial, advertisement, and outdoor advertising to promote our product, also hold an activity with Facebook that hope to arrive the expectation. We hope that the brand become well-known in short-term, reach market share to 20% in Taiwan in medium-term, and enter the Chinese market in long-term finally.
日期: 2013-10-17T00:58:12Z
學年度: 101學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林呈昱
課程名稱: 消費者行為
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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