題名: 彰化銀行CAMEL指標分析
其他題名: Analysis of CAMEL Rating:Chang Hwa Commercial Bank
作者: 康蘇璐
關鍵字: 比較評比
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank
CAMEL Rating
Integrated Rating
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 如果要在台灣銀行界找一家銀行代表台灣金融界的演變,那麼彰化銀行可以用捨我其誰來形容。經歷過艱難的日據時期、台灣光復、國民政府遷臺、新台幣發行、商銀民營化、由民間取代官股成為第一大股東,彰化銀行走過百年的歷程。 這份報告是一個探究的視窗。我們透過這個視窗,除了一窺經營百年,彰化銀行內在獨特的力量之外,也想在目前新型銀行眾多且國內外金融局勢多變的時候,透過與幾家面臨相似環境和目前排位優良的銀行的對比,找到彰化銀行目前在臺灣銀行業界的位置;更希望能從中發現彰化銀行的不足。 我們使用CAMEL指標進行分析,特別選取了同樣為曾經的省屬三商銀只有的華南銀行、目前的官家銀行兆豐銀行、民營銀行中的佼佼者國泰世華銀行及目前彰化銀行的第一大股東台新銀行作為比較對象。 分析CAMEL各項指標的評級,並進行綜合的評級和分析。C資本狀況:2 ;A資產品質:1;M管理能力:2;E獲利能力:3;L流動比率:3;於是我們得出 CAMEL指標級別綜合評比為2.2,屬於比較穩健的銀行,監管部門無需多關注。 從各個評級指標可發現,彰化銀行的資產品質最好(屬於第一級別),但是獲利能力以及流動比率也明顯的沒那麼傑出。這是因為彰化銀行成立已久,是一家穩健的老行號,比較注重在穩健發展而不追求高風險高報酬。
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank is a time-honored financial institution which was established in 1905. Nevertheless, this living fossil in Taiwan’s banking circles seems to be giving its way to the new generation of banks both domestically and internationally in the face of their revolutionary hit. This research allows us to investigate the distinctive features that allows for Chang Hwa Commercial Bank’s persistent influence in the sector. At the same time, we would like to observe its performance on meeting the challenges of innovative banks and volatile economic environment. Hence, this report will be divided into several main parts in order to achieve a deeper understanding of Chang Hwa Commercial Bank. In this report, we reviewed its history across centuries firstly before sifting through its current business operation strategies which is focusing on overseas development (expanding into China’s market). Next, we analyzed its performance using the CAMEL rating system and also comparing the results with four other profound banks in Taiwan – the ex-provincial Hua Nan Commercial Bank, the bureaucratic Mega International Commercial Bank Co., the nongovernmental Cathay United Commercial Bank Co., and finally Taishin International Bank Co., as known as Chang Hwa Commercial Bank’s current primary shareholder. We started off with the analysis of individual aspects of CAMEL rating, including Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, and Liquidity. After that, we interpreted the results in an integrated basis and produced a rating summary among the five banks. As a result, Chang Hwa Commercial Bank’s integrated rating is inferred as a grade of 2.2. It means the bank itself is a steadily-growing bank that does not require a lot of supervision. Based on our findings, Chang Hwa Commercial Bank also appears as the best of all (in the first class) in the aspect of asset quality. However, its earnings and liquidity ratings seem to be inferior to four other banks. The is because Chang Hwa Commercial Bank has sustained its operation throughout the years with a more conservative development blueprint that offers a steady growth but lack innovation to meet the diverse demand of customers nowadays. In conclusion of our analysis, we recommend that Chang Hwa Commercial Bank should emphasize on increasing its competitive edge in the future. At the same time, it should reinforce its own strength in various aspects and focus on the expansion of new and innovative businesses.
日期: 2014-06-26T07:06:07Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林昆立
課程名稱: 貨幣銀行學
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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