題名: Book Review of Great Crime
其他題名: 《Great Crime》書評
作者: 張子庭
關鍵字: 犯罪
critical thinking
Great Crime
greed, irony
John Escott
book review
系所/單位: 外國語文學系, 人文社會學院
摘要: 此篇文章評論約翰‧艾斯考特(John Escott)的著作《Great Crime》,此書作者喜愛寫犯罪小說及神秘小說。此書以諷刺及人性的貪婪為主題。書中收錄的十一個不同的犯罪案例,然而這些犯罪確有相同之處─人性的貪婪。對於愛的貪求,錢財的貪心,以及自由的貪戀,使得人犯罪。文章中還發現了,人之所以有如此的貪念,皆來自對於現實生活中的不滿足。然而,若是滿足了,人就真的不會犯罪了嗎?在書中,在約翰‧艾斯考特的筆下,引發出了一個諷刺問題─究竟是罪犯惡性去犯罪,還是環境迫使人去犯罪?作者經過長時間寫了許多的整裡再將一件件案件慢慢的比較、思考,本文發現《Great Crime》的作者想表達一個重要的概念:犯罪的起因很難歸結,因此我認為本書富有培養深度批判思考的價值。
This paper is to review the book Great Crime, written by John Escott, who loves to write stories about crime and mysteries. It has found a theme about human greed and irony. The paper has analyzed that although there are 11 separated crimes which happened in different places and time, all the cases in the book have a resemblance due to human greed. People commit crimes for they have their own greed, which is to be loved, to have money, or to be free from the world. Moreover, this paper also found that greed is a strong desire to put them to “do something” when the reality cannot meet one’s own standard. However, based on this paper, it is hard to judge that the criminals committing crimes from their evil nature or the evil world. Thus, this paper finally praises that the book has a great value on developing critical thinking.
日期: 2015-05-30T03:15:57Z
學年度: 103年度第一學期
開課老師: Shen, Wei-Wei
課程名稱: Composition (5)
系所: 外國語文學系, 人文社會學院

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