題名: 生與死現象中的死亡課題
其他題名: Some Issues of Death in the Phenomena of Death and Life
作者: 鄭芷伊
關鍵字: 生死無懼
Randy Pausch
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
系所/單位: 風險管理與保險學系, 金融學院
摘要: 人生在世,生與死是絕對躲不開的過程,該如何面對它們,是人們一生都該努力找出答案的一份功課。 而本文就如題目所言,是探討生死現象中的死亡課題,相信有很多人一定和我一樣對於死亡的存在感到迷惘、無知與陌生,但是在「生死與哲學」這門課程裡,從觀賞Randy Pausch的《最後一堂演講》影片,閱讀《伊凡•伊里奇之死》和《生死無懼》以及分組的安樂死報告裡,我找到了可以讓我安心的答案,不再迷惘、不再感到害怕;同時,也找到了繼續前進的方向及動力。 希望有心探索生死問題的朋友們,能透過我在課堂上所學習到的一些概念和心境上的轉移,作為進入生與死課題的先修班,同時也找出自己面對生命和死亡的態度。
In one’s lifetime, it is inevitable that everyone should learn how to face one’s life and death. As the title of this article says, in this issue we inquire the phenomena of life and death. I believe that many people just like me feel so confused, ignorant and alienated, but in the course of “life, death and philosophy”, I’ve learned the answers from watching the film which is about Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture, and reading the books named The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Glimpse After Climpse which about daily reflections on living and dying, as well as the group report about Euthanasia. Now may be I still have some questions about death but no longer feel confused and afraid; at the same time, I found the motivation and direction to move on. If you like to explore the issue of life and death, I would suggest that you may get starting with some concepts which I’ve learned as well as may learn to try changing the state of mind as I have done. Then you will find the right attitudes and the way toward your life and death.
日期: 2015-05-31T06:18:05Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 劉秀齡
課程名稱: 生死與哲學
系所: 通識教育中心

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