題名: 電子書消費行為:以逢甲大學大一經濟學為例
其他題名: The Consumer Behavior for Academic E-Book:The Case of Feng-Chia University
作者: 曾禹儒
關鍵字: 電子書
Academic E-Book
Personality traits
Product features of e-book
Willingness to purchase
系所/單位: 經濟學系, 商學院
摘要: 文獻上研究影響電子書購買意願的原因,主要聚焦於「產品特性」以及「環境」兩大類,鮮少使用「人格特質」加以討論。本研究透過問卷的方式,以逢甲大學大一經濟學學生為例,探討學生使用或購買電子書意願之影響因素,並加入人格特質為變數,觀察其影響的程度。 本研究透過因素分析、篩選變數;然後再以信度分析確定資料的一致性與穩定性。最後以迴歸分析檢測本文的假說是否成立,結果摘要如下。 1、 五大人格特質中,不論是外向性、嚴謹性、神經質、友善性、開放性,皆對於購買電子教科書並無顯著影響。 2、 雖然大多數的文獻都同意,電子教科書具備功能性、便利性、多媒體等產品特性,但實證結果卻顯示,只有便利性與經濟效益等兩功能,顯著正向的影響購買意願。 3、 當前電子教科書之購買意願對未來持續購買之意願,有顯著正向影響。
Literature discussing consumer behavior for e-books mainly focuses on factors of “characteristics of product” and “environment”. In this paper, we add the factor of personality traits to investigate consumer behavior for academic e-books. Using the freshman of Economics Department at FCU as sample, we would like to observe the effect of all these three kinds of variables on consumer’s willingness to buy for academic e-books. The research was processed through factor analysis which allows us to select variables, and reliability analysis to ensure the consistency and stability of data. At the end, simple regression was used to the hypotheses test, and results are summarized in the following: 1、 All five categories of personality traits, including extroversion, conscientiousness, anxious, agreeableness and glasnost, did not have significant effects on the purchase behavior. 2、 Although most studies had shown that e-books are functional, convenient and multimedia etc., the results of our study showed that only the characteristic of convenience and economic benefits have positively significant effect on willingness to purchase e-books. 3、 The willingness to purchase e-books at this moment has a positive effect to itself in the future.
日期: 2015-06-08T15:58:59Z
學年度: 102學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李文傳
課程名稱: 綜合專題研究學期報告
系所: 經濟學系, 商學院

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