題名: 成熟產業中的競爭優勢:信喜實業
其他題名: mature industry competitive advantage
作者: 郭俊儀
關鍵字: 成熟產業的策略
Declining Industry
Shin Shi Company
Kai Shin Oolong tea
Mature industry
系所/單位: 商學進修學士班, 商學院
水利工程與資源保育學系, 建築學院
外國語文學系, 人文社會學院
國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 本課程中,我們以章節主要內容「成熟產業的策略」以及「衰退產業的策略」 為架構,並以信喜實業的情形為影片的主軸,透過信喜實業的大起大落介紹 課本中各項策略的應用。 拍攝前我們在積學堂一起討論劇本,過程中許多令人驚艷的想法,但多少都有些天馬行空,或是意境不合,但是透過各方不同領域的專長,大家全心全意分工合作,將每一幕可能出現的障礙及技術困難的部分一一排除。 我們使用簡單的V8,積學堂的場地,以及隨手可得巧思的小道具,高效率的進行拍攝,雖然有NG重來,但也是為了呈現更好的效果。 信喜實業的開喜烏龍茶屬於成熟產業邁向衰退產業中的經典實例,其企業相關策略與本章內容相符,因此,我們透過實際演出信喜實業經典的歷史,忠實的呈現企業在面對不同情況時,所運用的策略,讓觀眾更輕鬆理解。
We are going to present business strategic theories we have learned in the strategic management course, including segment selection, differentiation and innovation, through a video. In 1985, with the emergence of a great variety of beverages; the beverage market in Taiwan was very competitive at the time. However, Shin Shi Company stood out as a pioneer of launching Oolong tea beverage; Kai Shin Oolong tea beverage was born, subsequently. In this video, we take Shin Shi company for example to present how a company transforms from a nobody to a dominator in beverage industry through several business strategies, including, segment selection, differentiation and innovation, but ends up failing to figure out its customer’s needs, which directly leads Shin Shi Company to failure.
日期: 2015-07-28T06:46:58Z
學年度: 103學年度第二學期
開課老師: 羅芳怡
課程名稱: 策略管理
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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