題名: 虛實通路與超媒體設計期末報告
其他題名: Virtual Channel and Hypermedia DesignFinal Report
作者: 徐穎
關鍵字: 粉絲專頁
Brand Promotion
Fans page
Hypermedia Design
Virtual Channel
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 本次合作業者為萬豐文創,萬豐文創主要致力於創作泥塑作品及推廣泥塑這項傳統技藝,我們希望能將此產業觸及更多年齡層的人,讓年輕人也能了解泥塑。在全新的形象和定位之下,我們為萬豐文創建立了一個粉絲專頁,藉由發布貼文及舉辦活動來達到宣傳的目的。我們規劃了一系列四週的議題與活動,其中包括每天發布與生活相關的貼文、每週拍攝一部與泥塑相關小短片以及到戶外舉辦實體活動邀請路人於粉專打卡按讚,同時進行活動側拍,將影片上傳粉絲專頁,藉此讓更多人知道並了解萬豐文創及泥塑產業,並在每個星期進行效益分析,了解每週的發文是否能吸引群眾目光且造成話題。經由此次經營粉絲專頁的結果,我們發現若只透過網路上的宣傳與推廣是不夠的,必須結合實體活動的推廣、網路行銷宣傳以及更多的創新元素,增加與目標族群的溝通互動,了解目標族群的需求,才能吸引目標族群的眼光,進而產生購買的意願,提升商品的銷售量,創造品牌行銷的最大效益。
This cooperation entrepreneur creates for Wan-Feng Cultural and Creative Industry , Wan-Feng Cultural and Creative Industry mainly devotes clay sculpture creation and promotion. We hoped this industry can touch many people with different ages, even young generation can understand this traditional techniques. Under the brand-new image and the position, we set a fan page for Wan-Feng, the goal being to achieve promotion through organizing events and posting facebook articles. We planned a series of various events spanning four weeks, including a daily positing of common place events, a weekly posting of a video relating to clay sculptures, and an interactive event inviting passing by pedestrians to comment and like our facebook fan page, while simultaneously taping their reactions every week. Our team analyzed the interactions and reactions to our fan page in order to guage our customer's awareness of the culture and creativity industry. During the weekly analysis, we are able to see what appeals to our customers and which topics arouses conversation. Through the experiment of operating the fan page, we found it wasn’t enough if we only publicized and promoted through the internet. If we want to attract our target market, we have to integrate the promotion of physical activity, the internet marketing propaganda as well as the more innovative element, increasing conversations and interactions with target market. After that, we can enhance consumer buying intention, improve product sales and create the maximum profit of brand marketing.
日期: 2016-10-14T01:07:23Z
學年度: 104學年度 第二學期
開課老師: 何晉瑋
課程名稱: 虛實通路與超媒體設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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