題名: 禾餘麥酒
作者: 施孟芬
關鍵字: 啤酒
carbon footprint
Life Cycle Analysis
系所/單位: 環境工程與科學學系, 理學院
摘要: 對台灣人來說,飲酒習慣與一般生活息息相關,近年來更因為法規改制,各式各樣的精釀啤酒如雨後春筍般崢嶸鬥豔,國人擁有更多選擇。 此份報告依此為內容啓蒙,探究目的在於:面對當今市場追求生活時尚風潮,如何透過對於產品碳足跡的理解,在其中選擇適當的產品,享受生活的同時又能兼顧友善環境,善盡世界公民的責任。 本篇報告評估產品碳足跡的計算範疇,以原物料產地運用至工廠開始計算,進入製作過程,包含瓶裝、裝箱為止,也就是Life Cycle Analysis中,自resource起算,包含manufacture階段至assembly為止。透過第一手訪問資料收集目標產品每一批次原物料總量與產地,以及製作過程與包裝方法,透過相關碳足跡計算公式以及相關參數查驗後,比對取出適當估計值作為結果與討論。 報告結果顯示,啤酒產品生產製造過程中,最消耗碳足跡的階段在於前端原物料的取得,以及後續的包裝方式。根據資料顯示,啤酒產品碳足跡比重最大的部分就在於運輸項目,若不計算原物料的運輸部分,光是製作之後的裝瓶、包裝與運輸,亦佔居整體碳排放的最高比例。依英國研究資料顯示,每天飲用1~2瓶的進口啤酒,可能一年加總起來的碳足跡高達一噸,相當於5萬杯紅茶所累積的碳足跡。因此,鼓勵「在地製造,在地飲用」的方式,不但可以省下許多運輸所造成的碳排放現象,亦可能在生產後直接輸入可重複使用的酒桶,自釀酒廠直接送往在地餐館或店家販售飲用的情況下,省去因為銷售需求而進入瓶裝階段的繁複包裝,減少碳排之外,更可能促進在地經濟、新興產業、復育農業⋯⋯等效益,若能結合製作過程所產生之廢料、廢渣、廢水再利用的生質能技術,發展再生能源循環系統,將是值得期待的產業新模組。
Drinking habits is very important to people of Taiwan. In recent years, because the alcohol administration act changed that there are more and more craft beers and breweries have founded. The purpose of this report is to find out how to choose the right and good product which has good taste for drink and good heart for environment of the earth. The range of assessment the product carbon footprint calculate from the transportation of raw meterials to assemble the products. After the calculation of the carbon footprint formula and the relevant parameters, the appropriate estimates after the comparison are taken as the discussion and being the base for getting result. It showed by result of paper that most large part of increase carbon footprint is transportation. According to the research data from England, taking 1 to 2 bottles of imported beer daily may cost 1 tonCO2e per year that equivalent to the carbon footprint of 50,000 cups of black tea. Therefore, encourage “ from land to the cup”, manufacturing and drinking in localization would be a good way that not only save carbon footprint emissions, but also promote the local economy, cause new industries develop, revival the local agriculture, and other benefits. If it can combine the reuse technology of waste residue and waste water to generate biomass energy and build-up the cycling model into the brewing industry, that would be wonderful to look forward it.
日期: 2017-03-06T06:18:59Z
學年度: 105學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 賴奇厚
課程名稱: 碳足跡Carbon Footprint
系所: 通識教育中心, 跨領域學習

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