題名: 台灣年輕人對如何促進台日地方縣市交流的看法
其他題名: The opinion of how Taiwanese young people promote the cultural exchange with Japanese young people
作者: 陳啟昌
關鍵字: 文化交流
Cultural exchange
Descriptive statistics
Questionnaire survey
系所/單位: 統計學系, 商學院
摘要: 透過網路資訊與影片的普遍,我們能從中獲得有關其他國家的生活情形,為了觀察台灣年輕人對於日本地方縣市所感興趣的事情為何,本文透過問卷調查與敘述統計的方法,希望從中看到年輕人普遍願意交流的話題為何,以及有無日本旅遊經驗、是否具備日文溝通能力與是否修習日文相關課程等因素會不會影響大家感興趣的事物,進而從中看到能幫助台日地方交流的事物與想法。
By using questionnaire survey and descriptive statistics, we want to know the thing that Taiwanese young people would like to cultural exchange with Japanese. Furthermore, we also want to know is there have any different could change the cultural exchange between this three kinds of people, people who have the experience of travel in Japan, people who have the ability of speaking Japanese, and people who take the class about Japan cultural. With this result, we hope we can find something that can help the cultural exchange between Taiwan and Japan.
日期: 2017-03-13T08:44:27Z
學年度: 105學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 黃煇慶
課程名稱: 日本商情與策略
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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