題名: 台灣地區道路交通事故國賠案件特性分析
其他題名: The study of the Government compensation for the traffic accident due to deficiency of road in Taiwan
作者: 劉至恩
關鍵字: 國家賠償
Government compensation
traffic accident
the deficiency of the road
系所/單位: 運輸與物流學系, 建設學院
摘要: 政府有保障人民生命與財產之義務,而造成國賠案件最主要為交通事故,而公務人員在執行職務時,因故意或過失侵害人民之自由或權利時國賠案件成立。本研究採用司法院法學資料檢索系統蒐集民國100~104年案件,原資料有956件,扣除部分無相關者,共採用335件。本研究依判決書,重新擷取變數,建立excel資料庫將原因分成人孔蓋、電桿類、路面坑洞、施工路段、彎道、山區道路、標誌標線不明確及公務人員疏失等7大類,運用基本統計、卡方檢定、交叉分析、變異數分析,同時採用逢甲大學車禍鑑定中心負責之相關國賠案件加以分析。本研究統計結果得出道路坑洞為主因,佔27%遠大於其他原因。且事發縣市、事發時間與判決結果皆有顯著差異,希望提供相關機構改善與建議,減少因公務員疏失或工程缺失的交通事故,也降低國家賠償的金額。
The government has the duty to protect the life and property of people, and data shows that the major government compensations are the traffic accidents due to deficiency of the road. Therefore, if the official has the intention or not to offend the civil right of people, it will make the compensation case existed. This study used the court’s verdicts from the judiciary from year 2011 to 2015. There are 956 verdicts, and we delete the non-relevant verdicts. Therefore, 335 verdicts will be selected into this study. The methodology includes selecting the variables from the verdicts, to build the database. Furthermore, the causes of the deficiency of road categorize into manhole, electric pod, pothole, construction site, curve road, maintain road, the sign and mark, and the neglecting of the official. The data also will be analyzed by statistical analysis, Chi-squared test, cross-analysis, and variable analysis. Besides, this study also uses the government compensation cases from the Research Center for the Traffic Accident Authentication (RCTAA) of Feng Chia University as the case study. The results show that the major cause of the deficiency of road is pothole which is about 27 percent of the court verdicts. In the same time, the significant different verdicts are between the different districts, and happening time. Hopeful, this study can be referenced by the relevant authority to reduce the deficiency of the road.
日期: 2017-11-06T02:23:47Z
學年度: 105學年度第二學期
開課老師: 葉名山
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 運輸與物流學系, 建設學院

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