題名: 捷運設施毗鄰地區土地徵收案
其他題名: Expropriation of Lands Adjacent to Mass Rapid Transit System Facilities
作者: 廖千瑩
關鍵字: 土地徵收
J. Y. Interpretation No.732
Land expropriation
Lands Adjacent to Mass Rapid Transit System Facilities
Meiheshi development case
系所/單位: 土地管理學系, 建設學院
摘要: 中文摘要 (1)目的: 就美河市開發案台北市新店區O段O號第96-25地號共40筆土地之徵收案為探討,詳述此土地徵收案之案例事實,從初期的都市計畫說明會到後來的人民不服所衍伸的上訴及釋憲。本組以人民立場來探究此土地徵收案的弊端,就其徵收程序問題來討論,論其徵收捷運設施毗鄰地區之合理性、必要性及正當性。 (2)過程及方法: 利用司法院釋字第732號解釋了解大概之案例經過,並依最高行政法院99年度判字1259號判決和台北高等行政法院99年度訴字第1587號判決,研究其詳細之案例事實。再就案例事實找尋此徵收案不正當和不合理之處,利用新北市地政局所提供之數據,將其具體化及數據化。 (3)結果: 本組以人民代表方的立場提出4項爭點。一、論政府依土地徵收條例第三條規定徵收,其徵收捷運設施毗鄰地區不存在公益性。二、政府有圖利建商之疑慮,被徵收人的權利受損害,但仍將土地售予建商。三、政府以內容不明確且相對不利的條件與被徵收人進行聯合開發會議,日後才以內容明確且經濟利益龐大之聯合開發契約與建商進行聯合開發,謀取暴利。四、主要計畫裡規定,如要聯合開發,會先擬定細部計畫,但是政府的細部計畫是在已經進行聯合開發協議之後,過了近八年才有細部計畫,其程序為不合理。
Abstract (1) Purpose: Explore land expropriation for the construction of Wanlong Station on the Xindian Line of the Taipei Metro Mass Rapid Transit system, a total of 40 strikes of land acquisition case, and talking about the facts of this land acquisition case, standing in the people's position to explore the malpractice of this collection of land. (2) Process and Methods: We gathered main information from J. Y. Interpretation No.732, and searched more detail from the Supreme Administrative Court decides 99 Judgment No. 1259 and Taipei High Administrative Court decides 99 Judgment No. 1587. (3) Results: We end up putting forward four issues. First, land expropriation for the construction of Wanlong Station on the Xindian Line of the Taipei Metro Mass Rapid Transit system does not have public welfare. Second, the rights of the expropriated people are damaged, but the government still sold the land to the builders. Third, the government and the construction industry together to make huge profits. Fourth, the administrative procedure is unreasonable.
日期: 2018-04-24T02:59:32Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王珍玲
課程名稱: 土地法(一)
系所: 土地管理學系, 建設學院

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