題名: 通過臺中市政府陳情整合平臺與市政人物專訪之心得
其他題名: Report From Public Petition Integration Platform Of Taichung Government And Exclusive Interviews With Municipal Characters
作者: 徐彥
關鍵字: 市政
Urban Planning
Public Interest
Local news
系所/單位: 都市計畫與空間資訊學系, 建設學院
摘要: 每個人眼中的都市不盡相同,都有關乎自己的立場、利益與市政議題。近年來,由此涉及到都市計畫變更案的爭議更是層出不窮,所以作為一個規劃者,更是要借鑒學習不同的案子,學會篩選過濾所聽、所見之訊息,辨析個人權益和公共利益之關係,挖掘隱藏幕後之角色立場。作為環境品質的維護者與公私利益的協調者,從閱讀地方新聞著手,探尋每個故事背後關於市政“人、事、地、物”之要素,學習市政運作體系,瞭解政治運作、權力結構、利益集團與都市生活環境所交織之網路。因此本報告以臺中市西屯區逢甲大學南側8M計畫道路變更案為例。藉由臺中市政府陳情整合平臺,通過與市府部門的溝通與市政人物的專訪,蒐集一手資料,從不同立場、不同角色、不同視角下,理清此變更案爭議的前世今生,為市政單位與民眾提供確切之建議去緩和矛盾、走出困境。也為今後審視市政運作中的矛盾衝突提供參考。
Opinion vary from individual to individual, Each character has their own positions, interests and municipal issues about cities. In recent years, the disputes arising from changes in urban planning projects have emerged in an endless stream. Therefore, how to filter the information,discriminate the relationship between individual rights and public interests, and excavate hidden roles behind the scenes become basic qualities for unban planner.As the defender of environmental quality as well as the coordinator of public and private interests,by reading local news,to find out four basic elements-“people, things, places, and subjects”behind each story, learning about the city’s municipal operating systems, networks of political operations, power structures, interest groups, and urban living environments. In order to provide a context for analyzing conflicts in municipal operations,we take Taichung City, Xitun District,southern side of Feng Chia University 8M road changing plan for example.With the help of public petition integration platform of Taichung government and conducting exclusive interviews with municipal characters.On the basis of the relevant facts such as past and present of disputes from different standpoint, different roles, and different perspectives, trying to give more specific suggestions ,which can provide the municipal departments and the local people with exact plans to remit the conflicts and solve the dilemma, formulating a whole new method that can be in line with other related projects.
日期: 2018-10-17T08:28:11Z
學年度: 106學年度第二學期
開課老師: 劉曜華
課程名稱: 市政學
系所: 都市計畫與空間資訊學系, 建設學院

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