題名: 虛實通路與超媒體設計:亞衣宜家手工皂_簡單的幸福
其他題名: Virtual & Real Channel and Hypermedia Design:YAYI Co., Handmade soap _Simple Happiness
作者: 陳舒敏
田中, 真之介
關鍵字: 引爆期
communication strategy
focus timing
issue duration
Simple Happiness
virtual and real channels
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 本小組與業者合作之產品是手工皂,粉絲專頁為「簡單的幸福」,鎖定的目標客群是18-30歲,對手工皂有興趣、喜好天然材料並且重視健康的人。通路的部分分成虛擬與實體,虛擬是透過Facebook為主要通路、Instagram為次要通路;實體則是舉辦活動並且將活動內容製成影片。將虛實通路相互配合,使得粉專經營更具有整合性。 溝通訊息策略的確立能夠使得經營方向更加的具體,而虛實排成可以了解每週的進度安排,當某些特定主題成效不彰時,可以隨時做調整。再來是對粉專所發佈的文章內容做效益評估,間接知曉發文內容是否吸引到目標客群,將優點保留缺點改進。 本課堂的粉專經營時間為一個月,劃分成四週,並在每週做一總結,因此 將以每一週做分點敘述: 第一週:透過三類不同的主題:知識型文章、香香子日常及語錄系列,摸索哪些類型更受消費者歡迎。 第二週:又稱為醞釀期,逐漸確立發文主題外,並且大篇幅宣傳實體活動資訊。 第三週:別稱引爆期,這週重點在於實體活動的舉辦,推廣品牌知名度。 第四週:稱作議題延續期,透過上週實體的活動,將話題持續下去。本週重點重於傳遞簡單幸福的「幸福」理念。 經歷一個月粉專的經營下,發現雖然本小組的發文內容相當多元,卻也使得定位不夠明確,加上通路太過狹窄,曝光度不足,而虛實整合的部分不夠確實,讓整體效益起伏跌宕。
The product of our team cooperation with the industry is handmade soap and our fan page is “Simple Happiness”. The target market is 18-30 years old people who are interested in handmade soap, prefer natural materials and more emphasize health. The channel tunnel divided into virtual and real. In virtual channel, Facebook is the primary path and Instagram is the secondary path. Moreover, the entity is to organize the activity and make the content of the event into a film. The cooperation of virtual and real channels makes the fan page management more integrated. The establishment of communication strategy can make the management direction more concrete. To realize weekly schedule, arrange virtual and real is important. When some specific topics don’t work, we can adjust them at any time. Then, benefit evaluation of articles published by fan page. Indirectly knowing whether the content of the posting appeals to the target market. Retain the advantages and improve the disadvantages. The fan page’s operation time is one month. We have to sum up every week so the following content will separate description. The first week: Through three different topics, for example: Knowledge articles, XIANG,XIANG-ZI’s daily and classic sentence. Make us know which types are more popular. The second week: It also known as brewing. This week will focus on the hosting of physical events to promote brand awareness The third week: In focus timing, more concentrate on the hosting of physical events The fourth week: It is issue duration.Through the last week's physical activity, the topic will continue. More Emphasis on the "happiness" concept in this week. After operate fan page in one month, we find our positing is so diversity that make our position not clearly. The channel is too narrow to exposure our fan page. Most seriously, the virtual and real integrated isn’t enough. Make our overall efficiency fluctuates obviously.
日期: 2018-10-22T08:33:50Z
學年度: 106學年度第二學期
開課老師: 何晉瑋
課程名稱: 虛實通路與超媒體設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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