題名: 新手使用逢甲大學健身房的服務設計初探
其他題名: A Service Design of FCU Gym for Beginners
作者: 黃怡瑄
關鍵字: 服務設計
Service Design
Empathy map canvas
Service blueprint
Gym Fitness
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 中文摘要 近年來健康意識提高,許多業者投資運動健身產業,健身房隨處可見,在激烈的競爭之下,不同的商業模式能為該產業注入新的元素。透過探討逢甲學生對於健身房的看法以及需求的研究,發現許多新生或健身房新手想要使用校園健身房卻遇到一些問題。問題包括: 1.健身房出入口標示不清,容易走錯 2.無從得知健身房擁擠程度/尖峰離峰時段 3.器材使用說明標示不清楚 4.新手可能因為不熟悉健身知識而放棄健身 針對問題,以下是我們的解決方式:第一,為了解決出入口標示不清的問題,將在出入口新增明顯路標,引導使用者進入;第二,解決無從得知健身房目前人數,我們設計了健身房App,利用出入口的感應閘門即時更新現場進出的人數;第三,對於器材使用說明不清,在器材貼上QR-code,讓使用者掃描,透過教學影片輕鬆學會該器材的使用方式;第四,新手進入健身房總是會遇到許多問題,若是不會使用器材,可以透過健身房App中的虛擬教練影片學習動作與健身知識;新手不了解初級訓練菜單,我們會在健身房門口張貼不同訓練部位的步驟指示卡,透過不同顏色的標籤告知使用者訓練的部位該對應哪些器材及機台使用的號碼順序,接著在器材貼上相對應的順序標籤,讓使用者能夠更輕易地找到符合自己需求的器具。 而我們設計出的健身房專用App,提供多功能的服務,幫助使用者解決難題並得到更好的體驗,也透過服務藍圖去檢視每個環節的細項,使健身房在營運上更貼近使用者的生活。
Abstract Recently, health awareness has increased, and many operators invest in the sports and fitness industry. As a result, gyms have been springing up here and there. In fierce competition, different business models are injecting new elements into the industry. We explored the views of students of Feng Chia University about the gym and their needs. We found that many freshmen or gym novices wanted to use the gym but encountered some problems, such as the following: 1. The entrance and exit signs in the school gym are ambiguous and people get lost. 2. The users are not aware of the crowdedness of the gym. 3. The device descriptions are not clear. 4. Beginners do not understand the exercise process of using training equipment. We suggest the following solutions to these problems: To solve the Problem 1, we suggest adding clear and obvious signs at the entrance and exit to guide users. To solve the crowdedness problem, we recommend our GYM Application and using a sensor gate to keep updating the number of people in the gym. Third, we recommend giving users a QR code with explanations of the gym to give them a convenient way to get started with the exercises. They can use their phone to scan the code. Last but not the least, for beginners who face problems because they are not sure about the exercise process of using training equipment, we came up with the idea of sticking sequence signs on the front desk, training equipment, and placing a teaching poster on the board. The users would then easily find their answers on the poster and sequence signs. We designed the GYM Application, offering an anti-function service to help users to get a better experience. The operation of the gym in such a manner will help the users to examine the details of each link of the service blueprint.
日期: 2019-04-02T02:33:54Z
學年度: 107學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李悅端
課程名稱: 體驗與服務設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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