題名: 古厝下的氣韻:鹿港現存文物古蹟與臺灣先民生活再發現
其他題名: The foundation of ancient architecture The rediscovery of Lukang cultural relics and Taiwan ancestors' life
作者: 朱越中
關鍵字: 鹿港文化
Lukang Culture
Old building
Cultural relics
Ancestor life
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 中文摘要 鹿港為台灣早期貿易港口的歷史文化小鎮,有著豐富的傳統技藝、獨特建築以及聞名全台的小吃等觀光資源。尤以其人文建築景觀最為特別,來訪遊客眾多,但因多數人並未對其文化有深入了解,因此常造成乘興而來敗興而歸的狀況,不知如何去體驗真正的老街文化。为了使大家更好地了解鹿港的先民文化,我們將以鹿港老街現存舊有古蹟建築中的著名景點為主要對象,著眼於廟宇、古厝、老街巷弄及古早生活元素,進一步研究傳統文化。最後期望藉由此項研究,以提升對鹿港文化的認同,促進老街觀光發展,此為本文最主要的研究目的。
Abstract Lu-kang is a historic and cultural town of trading harbor in Taiwan. Lu-kang has rich traditional craftsmanship, unique buildings and well-known local cuisines. Many people visit Lukang Old Street on holidays due to its unique people, architecture, and landscape. But most people don’t have a deep understanding of this culture, so people come to Lukang excited, but leave greatly disappointed, they do not know how to experience culture. In order to better understand the ancestral culture of Lukang, we will focus on the famous attractions in the existing historic buildings in Lugang, pay attention to temples, old houses, lanes and alleyways and old lifestyles. We expect to raise consumer recognition of Lukang Culture to enhance tourism development for old streets by this research . This is the main research purpose of the present paper.
日期: 2019-10-07T01:27:24Z
學年度: 107學年度第二學期
開課老師: 戴瑞坤
課程名稱: 中國文物欣賞
系所: 通識教育中心

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