題名: 逢甲大學統計系和財金系的大學申請入學之調查與分析
其他題名: Investigation and Analysis of University Application for Enrollment in the Department of Statistics and Finance In Feng Chia University
作者: 張祐誠
關鍵字: 大學申請入學
Analysis of Variance(ANOVA)
Questionnaire Survey
University Application for Enrollment
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 中文摘要 本研究以逢甲大學統計系及財金系的一二年級學生為研究對象,探討該學生群對於大學申請入學備審資料的看法,以及在同時錄取多校系的情況下,學生選擇校系的考量又為何。藉由現有在校生的數據,嘗試為逢甲大學推測在統計和財金兩系未來影響新生申請入學意願的關鍵原因。 我們透過設計問卷,並讓目標學生填寫以獲得數據,問卷包含了以下三個部分:學生的基本資料、學生討厭哪些備審項目,以及學生考上多個校系後,選擇校系的原因為何。結合Excel和SPSS做出敘述統計和變異數分析以找出最為顯著的關鍵原因。 由結果我們推測,任何備審項目若對於該科系不是必要條件時,就該考慮是否放入評分項目,每多放入一個備審項目,都可能因此流失一部份潛在申請者。另一方面,學生興趣及學校資源皆為學生較為注重的考量,後續應透過詳細的調查得到更具體的結果。如果其他科系想知道學生對於各備審項目的影響程度,建議另外發放問卷,才能有對於該科系更貼切的結論。
Abstract This study is based on the first and second grade students of the Statistics and Finance Departments of Feng Chia University. To explore the students' views on the application to the university , in the case of enrolling multiple schools at the same time, why do students choose this school? With the data of existing students, we tried to speculate key reasons ,which influence the willingness of students to apply the Statistics and Finance Departments of Feng Chia University. We design the questionnaire and let the target students fill in to get the data. Using Excel and SPSS to do descriptive statistics and analysis of variance to find the most significant key reasons. From the results we speculate. Some items which are not necessary to the department, school should think twice before putting them in the rating items. Also, students' interest and school resources are more considerations for students.
日期: 2019-10-07T02:13:03Z
學年度: 107學年度第二學期
開課老師: 張育瑋
課程名稱: 統計學
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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