題名: 如何改善台灣高中英文教育:以逢甲大學外文系課程為例
其他題名: How to Improve Taiwan’s High School English Education: Take Courses of Foreign Languages and Literature Department in Feng Chia University for Example
作者: Huang, Wen-Ho
關鍵字: English Education
Bilingual Policy
Language Learning
Course Design
系所/單位: 外國語文學系, 人文社會學院
摘要: Abstract Due to the bilingual policy, this study aims to discuss the condition of high school English education. As English majors, we are wondering if there are ways that could make a difference in the present situation about English teaching and learning. Most students have exposed to English since they were in kindergarten, but why Taiwan’s English proficiency seems to remain stagnant. Therefore, in this study, we are not only going to see what undergraduate students can do to help achieving the goal of bilingual policy, but also how they can equip themselves with the ability in response to the policy. Also, motivation is the key to success in language learning. So, we will also take a look at previous studies, discussing how to trigger students' learning motivation to mobilize students to cultivate the habit of self-learning in daily life.
摘要 由於雙語政策的實施,本研究旨在探討高中英語教育的狀況。 作為外文系在學生,我們企圖想知道是否有什麼方法可以改善當前英語教育所面臨的困境。 即使沒有此雙語政策的實施,大多數學生從幼稚園開始便接觸英語,有這麼久的學習經歷,為什麼台灣人普遍的英語水平似乎仍然停滯不前。 因此,在這項研究中,我們不僅探討外文系學生在畢業後,能夠如何幫助實現雙語政策所期望達成的目標,並且更重要的是該如何使自己具備應對雙語政策的能力。 此外,動機無疑是語言學習成功的關鍵。 因此,我們也將進一步借鏡以前的研究,分析過往經驗是如何激發學生的學習動機,使學生養成在日常生活中自學語言的習慣。
日期: 2020-11-10T07:34:42Z
學年度: 108學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林育稜
課程名稱: 專題討論
系所: 外國語文學系, 人文社會學院

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