題名: 社會企業創新創業計畫書:「街友幸腹計畫」
其他題名: Proposal for Social Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship:「iFood for Homelessness」
作者: 鄭喜恩
關鍵字: 愛心餐
Caring meals
Homeless care service
Online for delivery platform
Social enterprises
系所/單位: 工業工程與系統管理學系, 工程與科學學院
摘要: 中文摘要 近十年來,電子商務高速興起,以及網路的快速發展,使偏好外食的國人生活越來越便利,基本的三餐想獲得溫飽已無需本人親自外出購買,而是透過現在人人皆有的智慧型手機即可下訂單以及付款。近年,許多國外餐飲外送平台與企業也相中台灣對於外食的龐大消費力,紛紛來台灣設立據點,如 Foodpanda 、 Honestbee及 Uber Eats 等,而在Honestbee退出台灣後,現今其他兩家已讓市場有飽和之勢。想當然耳,在如此的趨勢下,似乎幫助弱勢團體的方式又變得更多元了一些。考慮社會動蕩時期難以像平日一樣的對弱勢團體出手救援,本計畫針對街友一族群,希望組建一社會企業,透過與統一超商與線上外送平台的合作,提供街友三餐。期許此推陳出新的計畫成功之後,其他團體或一般人,亦能沿用此模式,幫助更多社會上的弱勢團體。
Abstract With the rise of e-commerce and the rapid development of the Internet within this decade, the life of us become more convenient. Basic meals and meals are no longer necessary to go out and buy in person. Orders and payments can be placed through mobile phones. Food delivery platform companies also value Taiwan's huge consumption power for all variants of food, and have set up bases in Taiwan, such as Foodpanda, Honestbee and Uber Eats. Under such a trend, it seems that there are diverse ways to help vulnerable groups. Considering that during the period of social turmoil, it is difficult to give a hand to those vulnerable groups like usual, this project is aimed at the group of homelessness and hopes to form a social enterprise to provide meals for them through cooperation with Seven-Eleven in Taiwan and online delivery platforms. It is hoped that after the success of the plan, any other groups or even an ordinary people can also use this model to help more disadvantaged groups in future.
日期: 2020-11-10T09:11:42Z
學年度: 108學年度第一學期
開課老師: 陳兆衡
課程名稱: 科技管理導論
系所: 工業工程與系統管理學系, 工程與科學學院

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