題名: 瀚寓酒店的經營戰疫
其他題名: The Business Competition of Hanns House
作者: 邢婉芸
關鍵字: 防疫旅館
Hanns House
Porter's five forces analysis
quarantine hotel
系所/單位: 企業管理學系, 商學院
摘要: 中文摘要 因碰上新冠肺炎,原本打算開幕的瀚寓酒店,為中高階商務旅客而設的高品質設備,意外符合防疫旅館的標準,基於公益考量,決心加入防疫旅館的行列,此個案分析將探討瀚寓酒店以及國內飯店業的現今面臨的狀況與問題,並以「瀚寓酒店的經營戰疫」為主題,分析作為防疫旅館的優劣勢。 在背景分析方面,使用了波特五力分析與PEST分析法,為了深度了解研究對象、獲取更多資訊,分析與企業相關的環境因素。另外還利用SWOT分析,評估企業的內部資源與核心能耐,並依據優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅的分析結果,將策略建立在企業的優勢上。 由分析可以發現,目前國內的高檔飯店業市場競爭激烈,企業想要永續經營,不只要有品牌魅力,還需要具有特色,因應不同客群的需求,發展出不同特色的旅館,隨著時代變遷、科技日新月異、行銷手法不斷推陳出新,找出自己獨有的特色做為賣點,與市場做出差異化,秉持著始終如一的信念,絕不隨波逐流。在此個案分析中,提出未來飯店業的建議策略方針,做為未來朝向永續經營發展與方向的參考。
Abstract The upcoming five-star hotel , Hanns House, planned to set up high-quality equipment for high-level business travelers . Unexpectedly, they meet the standard for quarantine hotel when the COVID-19 break out. So they decided to put off the official operating and become the quarantine hotel. This article talks about the crisis which Hanns House and domestic hotel industry faced. We’ll analyze benefits and drawbacks as the quarantine hotel. In background analysis , this project use Porter's five forces analysis and PEST analysis to receive more information. And also use SWOT analysis to evaluate the internal resources and core competeness of the enterprise. Then based on the results, we can develop strategies to help enterprise. From the analysis can find competition for domestic hotel industry is intense. If enterprises want to develop sustainability, they must have characteristics. And in response to the needs of different types of guests, they can develop many kinds of featured hotel. As the times change, they need to find their unique characteristic and keep faith with their goal. So in the project, it will take some advices which can make enterprise develop sustainability to hotel industry.
日期: 2020-11-18T06:22:08Z
學年度: 108學年度第二學期
開課老師: 張秀樺
課程名稱: 管理學
系所: 企業管理學系, 商學院

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