題名: 運用CDIO模式創作短篇故事以提升大學生英語學習動機
其他題名: Adopting the CDIO Model to Improve College Students’ English Learning Motivation
作者: 吳育菱
關鍵字: CDIO
English Learning Motivation
Interdisciplinary Integration
Short Story Creation
系所/單位: 外國語文學系
摘要: 本研究除了希望解決同儕學習上的困難,更希望提供相關教師運用CDIO模式進行跨領域整合式作業,提升大學生學習動機之參考模式,使其「學有所用」,並在撰寫故事的過程中激發對於學習英語的熱忱和動機。鑒於研究者察覺身旁同儕對於學習「語言學概論」感到困難,且多數人在課後仍難以理解其中之規則和邏輯,在始終無法清楚理解課程內容的狀況持續累積的情況下,進而造成學習動機下降。另外又於「英語成語與修辭應用」課程中發現,若無法實際運用所學習之成語修辭,即便課本裡有許多插圖增加學生對其的印象及用法,學生仍會在課堂結束後便忘卻大多數成語的用法及意涵,為解決無法實際將知識運用所導致的生疏感及不理解,研究者認為可透過CDIO模式進行短篇故事創作,使學生將所學運用於編撰故事的實作過程中,如此一來不僅能夠了解其用法,同時也能增進對於課程內容的理解,並學習如何將跨領域知識水平整合,透過這樣主動學習的方式除了能夠培養學生習得問題解決的能力,同時也能夠學習如何進行團隊合作。而本研究在最後透過問卷調查發現,高於95%的學生在進行CDIO模式的短篇故事創作後,認為此作業有助於他們進行成語修辭與語意的學習,及培養他們的故事敘述能力,另也有學生表示此作業能夠凝聚小組合作之向心力,增進學生創作能力、字彙量及寫作技巧,此外,學生透過撰寫故事的方式,能夠將所學知識活用於故事內容中,增加對成語修辭與語意學之了解,而不單只是死背意思和應付考試。
For solving the difficulties of peers who have difficulties in learning, this research hopes to provide relevant teachers with a CDIO model for cross-domain integrated assignments. It can be a reference model for enhancing college students’ learning motivation. And this way will make the knowledge become useful and inspire them to have enthusiasm and motivation for learning English in the process of writing stories. We perceive that some of the peers have difficulty in learning "Introduction to Linguistics", and most people still have difficulty understanding the rules and logic after class. The continuous accumulation of inability to clearly understand the content has led to learning motivation drops. Besides, we also found that in the course "English Idioms and Application" if idioms can't be used after we learn them, we will forget most of them after class. Even if there are many illustrations in the textbook to increase students' impression and usage, if we don't use it, then we forget it. For solving the feeling of unfamiliarity and incomprehension caused by the inability to apply knowledge, we believe that the CDIO mode used to create short stories might be helpful. Therefore, students can apply what they have learned to the actual process of composing stories. In this way, not only can we understand its usage, but it can also enhance the understanding of the course content and learn how to integrate cross-domain knowledge. Through this active learning method, students can acquire the problem-solving ability, and learn how to engage in teamwork. At the end of this study, it was found through a questionnaire that more than 95% of students that created short stories in CDIO mode believed that this assignment would help them learn idioms, rhetoric, and semantics. Besides, it can cultivate their story narrative skills. Some students also said that this assignment helps them to cooperate. Others say that this task enhances creativity, vocabulary, and writing skills. Besides, students can apply the knowledge they have learned to write the story. Furthermore, they can also increase their understanding of idioms and semantics. Since learning is not just memorizing the meaning and coping with exams.
日期: 2021-04-22T08:01:18Z
學年度: 109學年度第一學期
開課老師: 周玉楨
課程名稱: 語言學概論(一)
系所: 外國語文學系

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