題名: Chauvinism in the West and in the East The Color Purple V.S Raise the Red Lantern
Chauvinism in the West and in the East
The Color Purple V.S Raise the Red Lantern
作者: 蔡育孜
關鍵字: 當代小說
The Color Purple V
S Raise the Red Lantern
系所/單位: 外國語文學系,人文社會學院
摘要: I. Introduction: Chauvinism once exists around the world. The Color Purple is a western bestseller written by Alice Walker; Raise the Red Lantern is an award-winning Chinese film directed by Zhang Yimou. However, both of two works intelligently interpret the torments of women who have already suffered Chauvinism from ages ago. We can also observe the similarity of them. II. Women never live for themselves. A. Celie: living for “alive,” was driven by her violent husband. B. Women in the Red Lantern: living for “love of their husband.” They schemed against each other, are imprisoned by men’s power. III. The male protagonist didn’t have name. A. The Color Purple: Mr.____ B. The Red Lantern: didn’t mention the name to audience. C. The fear to males. IV. Different final results after women tried to escape from Chauvinism. A. Celie: living for herself, restarted another bright world. B. The third and forth wife in the Red Lantern: one was murdered and another turned into an insane. V. Conclusion: Chauvinism, a backward thought once exist in our modern world, should be eliminated since woman should be treated equally.
日期: 2007-11-06T01:52:07Z
學年度: 93學年度
開課老師: 王安琪
課程名稱: 當代小說
系所: 人文社會學院

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