題名: 教師專業發展網路系統的建置與評估
其他題名: The Construction and Evaluation of The Teacher Professional Development Network System
作者: 薛偉正
關鍵字: 教師專業發展
Teacher Professional Development
Distributed Network System
Intelligent Agents
Instruction Technology
作者群: 2001 資訊素養與終身學習社會國際研討會:資訊素養與各級教育教學之融合
2001 International Conference on Information Literacy & Lifelong Learning : Integrating Information Literacy into Curriculum
摘要: 近年來師資培育制度邁向重大的改革,各大專院校紛紛成立教育學程機構以培育新世代的中、小學師資,但師資培育機構所培育的教師在從事教職的三階段中(職前師資培育、教育實習階段、教師在職進修階段)缺乏統整性的機構,所以整合教師專業發展的資訊需求呼聲漸高,本研究利用網路媒體的特性,設計出教師專業發展網路系統(http://mslin.ee.ntut.edu.tw:8080/3ic)。 此系統設計對象主要有三:職前師資培育生、實習教師、正職教師;系統主要架構為中央整合系統、網路教室和遠端各科教材研發部分。中央系統整合部分的功能包含電子佈告欄、討論區和意見調查區,意見調查區提供從事研究的教師電子收發問卷的功能,教師藉由電子問卷評量獲得學生或受試者的回饋,以提昇教學評鑑的績效和改進。網路教室則提供師生不受時間和空間束縛的虛擬學習空間,目前網路教室結合了職前師資培育課程,提供給對於遠端課程教材研發有興趣的大學教授、教師們一個快速建構網路教學的實驗平台。 網路教室的定位是針對現場教學不足的部分加以補強的教學環境,而不是替代現場教學,從網路教室整體滿意度問卷調查中,使用者大部分能肯定網路教室對學習帶來的正面助益。未來的研究擬將網路教室推廣至國中小學現職教師使用,讓教師專業發展系統代理教師日常的行政事務,使教師能有更多的專業發展時間從事教學相關研究。
Since the educational development becomes more various, the teacher professional development is one of the popular and important topics. The study is based on the theory of teacher professional development and the model of the system development. The result of the study is to build a teacher professional development integrated system website. The purpose of this study is to build a network-learning environment for those who are in pre-service teacher education program, in-service, and internship to improve their professional competence. The second purpose is to improve the quality of education to fit into the education change movement as well as to enrich the teacher education and teacher professional development. The method of the study is based on the system development model. It contains three parts: the definition, the design and development, and the maintaining and revise. The result of research is a teacher professional development website system (http://mslin.ee.ntut.edu.tw:8080/3ic). It includes three subsystems: the internal integrated system, remote teaching material connection, and cyber classroom, this is an integrative system for teacher education students, interns, and in-service teachers. The study would promote the teacher professional development system to K-12 schoolteachers in the future.
日期: 2007-11-06T03:18:02Z

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