題名: 凹陷濾波器與梳形濾波器的設計與驗證
其他題名: Design and Verification of Notch Filter and Comb Filter
作者: 葉承韋
關鍵字: 濾波器
Comb filters
Notch filters
系所/單位: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院
摘要: 中文摘要 程式之發展足以讓人類完成許多錯綜複雜以及反覆之演算,許多演算之能力是我們無法理用紙筆進行,必須仰賴程式完成,甚至許多生物醫學當中的生理訊號的處理更是如此,像是:生理電訊號、生理機械訊號、聲音訊號…等,是完全無法紙上談兵的,因此突顯出程之重要性。 本課程當中之生理訊號之濾波,即為利用心電訊號,利用程式的輔助將完整訊號讀入,並將60赫茲干擾的訊號經過設計濾波器,並利用程式所繪製之訊號驗證是否確實將干擾訊號消除之特性之目的。 利用老師已放在 iLearn 上受到 60 Hz 干擾的心電圖信號,將之輸入四種不同濾波器包括凹陷濾波器(notch filter)、梳型濾波器(comb filter)以及分別加上加強型的濾波器(Shanks's filter)當中,先計算出四個不同濾波器輸入及輸出之間的差分方程式,再利用程式濾波器功能驗證其是否真正輸出不受60赫茲和60赫茲之基數倍頻的干擾的圖形之目的。
Abstract The development of programming is sufficient for humans to complete many intricate and repetitive calculations. The ability of many calculations is that we can’t use paper and pen to do it. We must rely on programming to complete. This is even true for the processing of many physiological signals in biomedicine, such as: physiological telecommunication Signals, physiological mechanical signals, sound signals, etc., are completely impossible to talk about on paper, so the importance of the journey is highlighted. The filtering of physiological signals in this course is to use the ECG signal to read in the complete signal with the aid of the program, and pass the 60 Hz interference signal through the design filter, and use the signal drawn by the program to verify whether the interference is indeed The purpose of the characteristics of signal elimination. Using the electrocardiogram signal that the teacher has placed on iLearn and subjected to 60 Hz interference, input it into four different filters including notch filter, comb filter, and enhanced filters ( In Shanks's filter), first calculate the difference equation between the input and output of the four different filters, and then use the program filter function to verify whether the output is really free from the interference of the 60 Hz and 60 Hz base multiples.
學年度: 109學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林育德
課程名稱: 生醫訊號處理
系所: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院

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