題名: 對於一些英詩,黃色壁紙,及推銷員之死之讀後雜感
其他題名: Some Feelings of Poetry, “The Yellow Wall Paper", and “the Death of Salesman”
作者: 謝佳蓉
關鍵字: Poems
The Yellow Wall Paper
The Death of Salesman
系所/單位: 外文系,人文社會學院
摘要: The paper is my feelings after reading some poems, "The Yellow Wall Paper", and "The Death of Salesman". Poetry is the format that I read rerely, so it took more time to figure out those meanings between the lines. Most of the poems metioned about the attitude of the author toward life. Next, "The Yellow Wall Paper" is the work that most thrilling which I had ever read, and it make me stand in the author's foot to think about the behavior of her husband. Finally, "The Death of Salesman" is a tragedy in the capitalist society, and Willy is the lead character who had the wrong dream toward the society.
日期: 2006-08-15T01:35:34Z
學年度: 94 學年度第 2 學期
開課老師: 王安琪
課程名稱: 西洋文學作品導讀
系所: 外文系,人文社會學院

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