DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.otherShi-Jin Huang
dc.description.abstract《漢書》中將爰盎和晁錯二人合傳,其合傳緣由誠如李景星(1876-1934) 所言:「爰盎、晁錯俱以深刻為能,互相猜忌,互相讒殺,卒之錯死於盎,盎又 死於刺。其行徑同,其結果同,故《史記》以之合傳,《漢書》亦以之合傳。」 李氏之觀點本之於明人凌稚隆,是前有所承之說法。二氏申明《史記》、《漢書》 將二人合傳之原因,即在爰盎與晁錯二人「俱以深刻為能,互相猜忌,互相讒殺, 卒之錯死於盎,盎又死於刺」;以及二人之「行徑同」、「結果同」之故! 筆者通讀《漢書》本傳,以為:《漢書‧爰盎晁錯傳》,乃是《漢書》中一篇 忠臣與奸佞,政治家與權變政客的鮮明對照,具有啟迪後人的歷史意義!因此, 本文撰寫的目的,即在藉由《漢書》本傳中文本的探究與分析,呈現晁錯與爰盎 的人格形象;從而清晰呈現二人所分別代表的忠奸典型,豁現二人人格之崇高與 卑劣,期對二人做出較客觀的人物性格評斷!由於《漢書》與《史記》同具「互 見」的筆法與特色,因此,本文之論述雖以〈爰盎晁錯傳〉的記載為探究重心, 然對散見於其他篇章有關二人之資料,亦每每加以徵引,目的即在期使觀點與立 場較為公正平允! 文中章節安排為:一.前言;二.爰盎形象析論;三.晁錯形象析論;四.結語。
dc.subject.otherShih Chi
dc.subject.otherSima Qian
dc.subject.otherHan Shu
dc.subject.otherBan Gu
dc.title.alternativeAnalyzing the Meanings of Images of Yuan Ang and Chao Tso in Biography of Yuan Ang and Chao Tso of Han Shu
dc.description.translationabstractThe reason why Yuan Ang and Chao Tso were included in a Biography of Han Shu might well be that “… Both Yuan Ang and Chao Tso were so shrewd and sophisticated that they suspected of another’s schemes and spoke spiteful words behind one another’s back and, unfortunately, Tso falling prey to Ang, while Ang died in assassin. They have chosen a similar path and died the same horrible death, so they were included in the same Biography of Shih Chi and of Han Shu as well….” as Li Ching-hsing (1876-1934) stated. The above perspective was adopted the viewpoint of Ling Chih-lung of Ming Dynasty. Both asserted that the reason why they were included in the same Biography of Shih Chi and of Han Shu lay in “Yuan Ang and Chao Tso were so shrewd and sophisticated that they suspected of another’s schemes and spoke spiteful words behind one another’s back and, unfortunately, Tso falling prey to Ang, while Ang died in assassin” and that “They have chosen a similar path and died the same horrible death.” I have read through the Biographies of Hand Shu, and have regarded the Biography of Yuan Ang and Chao Tso as a clear portrait of a statesman and a politician, the contrasts of which inspire the later generations in a historical way. Hence the study aims to demonstrate the characters and images of Yuan Ang and Chao Tso through the exploration and analysis of the biographies’ texts of Han Shu in the hope of presenting the two-pole stereotypes of them and demonstrating what a contrast of vileness and nobility they are. Due to the fact that Han Shu and Shih Chi are to some extent “supplementary”, the current paper cites as much material as possible, apart from the Biography of Yuan Ang and Chao Tso so as to take a middle stand and make more wise and sound judgments accordingly. Chapters are organized as follows: 1. Preface; 2. Analysis of the Image of Yuan Ang; 3. Analysis of the Image of Chao Tso; 4. Conclusion.


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