DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.author王, 煌城 Jr
dc.contributor.author陳, 蓉賢 Jr
dc.contributor.author李, 彥廣 Jr
dc.contributor.author蔡, 杰叡 Jr
dc.contributor.author林, 家寶 Jr
dc.contributor.author吳, 星佑 Jr
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the use of embedded system, RFID, and wireless communication to facilitate the logistical management of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). As the operating cost soars as a result of rising labor and transportation costs, the profit dwindles. To rectify the situation, a new operating model which makes efficient use of cutting-edge technologies to improve the delivery and management of LPG is urgently needed. Hailed as one of the ten most important technologies of the century, RFID has been successfully used in a broad spectrum of applications. In this study, a passive UHF RFID tag is attached to each LPG container as an identification label. Embedded system design approach is used to implement the RFID reader. Given that the RFID reader is a handheld device operated on battery, miniaturization is one important design goal. In addition, energy conservation is also a major concern of the implementation. In the paper, the system architecture and relevant topics are discussed. Test results are also presented.
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Taipei University,Taipei
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNCS 2009
dc.subjectEmbedded system
dc.subjecton-metal tag
dc.subjectRFID reader
dc.subjectwireless communication
dc.subject.otherWorkshop on Computer Architectures, Embedded Systems and VLSI/EDA
dc.titleRFID-Based LPG Management Using Embedded Technology
dc.title.alternative以嵌入式技術研發RFID 瓦斯配送管理系統
分類:2009年 NCS 全國計算機會議

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