題名: 河川環境營造:黎明溝
其他題名: River Environment Rehabilitation – The Dawn Stream
作者: 郭柏毅
關鍵字: 生態工法
Eco - engineering methods
Environment Rehabilitation
Permeable Pavement
The Dawn stream
Urban Redistricting
系所/單位: 水利工程與資源保育學系, 建設學院
都市計畫與空間資訊學系都市計畫組, 建設學院
摘要: 台灣都市因經濟發展緣故,週圍土地被逐步規劃成重劃區進行再開發。此一開發行為使得部份土地上原先存在的水道,因著對土地需求的增加進而地下化。然而水道地下化後雖能帶來更多的土地進行利用,卻也同時限制住水道疏洪能力,並改變原有河道的景觀與生態。另外近年來都市結合藍帶與綠帶的觀念逐漸興起,且因應天氣型態變化衍伸出新的防洪觀念,將原有河道地下化已不再是唯一的思維。因此本組以位於台中市南屯區的黎明溝為對象,經由現地訪查、資料分析與回顧現有工程案例後,嘗試以既有的工程技術結合逕流分擔、雨水儲集、親水河道等概念,重新審視河道在都市中可能擁有的面貌及其扮演的角色。
Due to Taiwan's economic development in the city, the surrounding land was gradually re-zoning to re-develop. This behavior makes part of the land pre-existing waterways, because of increased demand for land into underground. However, after the underground waterways, been able to bring more land use, but also locked waterway dredging flood capacity, change the original river landscape and its ecology. Also in recent years, combined with the concept of urban green belt and blue ribbon with a gradual rise. In the meanwhile, response to changes in weather patterns extend as new flood protection concepts. The original underground river is no longer the only way of thinking. Therefore, this group is located in the Dawn stream, Taichung District as an object, via in-situ visits, data analysis and review of existing Projects. Try to combine both existing engineering and other concepts like: sharing runoff, rainwater reservoirs, and hydrophilic in order to re-examine the role of the river in future city.
日期: 2014-09-23T07:11:37Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 蘇惠珍
課程名稱: 河川環境營造
系所: 水利工程與資源保育學系, 建設學院

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