題名: Big Mother集團:組織結構和管理系統
其他題名: Big Mother Business Group:Organizational Structure and Management Systems
作者: 余承恩
關鍵字: 事業部
Business Division
Organization Structure
Business Group
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 本課程中,我們以章節主題「組織結構與管理系統」作為架構,並以淇淇蛋糕公司的分析作為影片主軸。透過BIG MOTHER集團的事業部介紹,深入淺出地帶出課本中艱澀的層級結構觀念,也利用同事合作剝香蕉的劇情,輕鬆有趣地演出專業分工概念。 拍攝前,我們在一間環境舒適的餐廳討論劇本,過程中有許多天馬行空的想法,也不乏眾多分歧的意見,有共識的是本章主題實在乏味,因此我們融入時事、笑果,希望帶給觀眾耳目一新的感覺。我們利用簡單的設備、借用場地道具和組員們的天生戲劇細胞,有效率地進行影片拍攝,沒有NG,沒有重來,一次到位完成每段拍攝,影片在歡樂中也清楚帶出了組織結構的介紹與特色。 淇淇蛋糕公司屬於組織結構中的事業部結構,與其他眾多事業(紅紅紅茶冰等…)共同隸屬於BIG MOTHER集團,其事業策略和相關營運決策可以在事業層級單位完成,而總部只需要專注於規劃預算及提供行政服務。 我們透過實際演出一家公司的組織結構、專業分工和預算執行,使複雜的層級變成簡單的概念,讓觀眾更容易理解。
In the strategic management class, we analyze CHI CHI Cake Company as the topic of our film. By introducing BIG MOTHER CORPORATION, we explain the ideas of hierarchy in the book. We are also show how to divide the work by arranging co-worker to peel bananas one after another. Before filming, we discussed the script in a cozy restaurant. We have many creative ideas and different kinds of opinions. We all think the topic of this character is tedious, so we add some news and funny things expect to refresh audiences. By using digital camera and team worker’s natural acting genes, we effectively finish filming. The film is not only have funny plot but also introduce the organization structure clearly. BIG MOTHER CORPORATION is a Multidivisional structure, CHI CHI Cake Company and other companies (like HONG HONG Iced Black Tea) are belong to same corporation. The business strategy and operation policy can be decided by subsidiary company. Headquarter only focus on planning budget and providing administrative service. We hope to perform a company’s organization, job division and budget implement clearly so that audience can understand the concepts easily.
日期: 2015-05-30T07:26:41Z
學年度: 102學年度 第二學期
開課老師: 羅芳怡
課程名稱: 策略管理
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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