題名: 虛實通路與超媒體設計期末報告:謝謝農場
作者: 林鼎喬
關鍵字: 謝謝農場
Grateful Growers
LOHAS(Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability )
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
合作經濟學系, 商學院
摘要: (1)目的:運用零售理論的內外部環境分析和行銷組合分析方式等,去探討謝謝農場目前的發展策略和定位方向是否正確,又輔以競爭者分析和市場區隔定位去印證謝謝農場以那些內外部的優勢能力和特點在有機農產品中搶下廣大的消費市場。 (2)過程及方法:透過問卷分析了解消費者目前對於有機農產品的購買看法,也透過謝謝農場消費者訂單數量、地區、年齡等分析,發現謝謝農場消費者多以網路訂購為主,最後以目前生產有機產品農業中與謝謝農場性質,相似主打「謝謝有機,慢生活」的競爭者互相比較顯示謝謝農場以哪些特點更勝競爭對手。 (3)結果:謝謝農場因無有機認證標章在有機消費市場居處於弱勢,但以完全不同於其他有機農場的種植及生產方式、為消費者把關產品、提供做好的優質服務,如此卻穩定吸引消費族群,透過零售理論和行銷組合分析確認了謝謝農場目前確實利用正確的定位「謝謝有機,慢生活」,在消費者心中奠定了不可或缺的地位。
(1)Goal: To apply Analysis of Internal and External Environments of retail theory and Site Analysis of Retail Format , to infer Grateful Growers(謝謝農場) current development strategy and the correct positioning, and also to help them in analysing rivals market Segmentation positioning to show that with the advantages abilities and features from both inner and outer, Grateful Growers is able to have a share in the vast market of organic produce. (2)Process and Method: By analyzing the surveys regarding how consumers view when buying organic produce, and also the amount of orders made to Grateful Growers, the region and age of the customers etc. Realized that the customers mostly shop online. Finally, according to the current organic agriculture and Grateful Growers, and also compare to hit "Thanks to organic, slow life" of competitors. Therefore, Grateful Growers can show which features superior to competitors. (3)Result: Because Grateful Growers have no organic certification mark, so Grateful Growers at a disadvantage, but with completely different from other organic farms planting and production methods. Grateful Growers products for the consumer checks, provide good quality service, so it attracts a stable consumer groups, through retail marketing theory and portfolio analysis confirmed Grateful Growers use a correct positioning : "thanks organic, slow life ." It is in the minds of consumers laid the indispensable position.
日期: 2015-05-31T04:07:28Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 何晉瑋
課程名稱: 虛實通路與超媒體設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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