題名: 變遷制度下的兩岸文化差異性比較
其他題名: Culture Differences Exploration Between Mainland and Taiwan Under Evolving Political and Economic Systems
作者: 陳卓
關鍵字: 兩岸
Taiwan and mainland
Chinese and western civilization
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 時至今日,中國大陸的崛起勢必成為21世紀最重要的事件,其影響之深將改寫現有世界西方力量獨大的格局。然而,對於中國大陸的制度,外界仍存各種質疑。模仿台灣採取西方政治經濟制度的呼聲不絕於耳,同時探索符合中國傳統文化之創新制度的嘗試也從未停歇。在此背景下,我們希望通過探索拥有同源文化的台湾和大陆,在不同政治经济制度的影响下,人们是否拥有着不同的价值观,來判斷中華文化是否可以與西方制度相兼容。具體而言,我們通過網絡問卷的方式搜集了台灣和大陸如今的樣本數據,并與我們已有的90年代中國和美國的母群體數據進行對比,從而探索兩岸文化乃至中西文明在不同價值觀選項中是否存在偏好的不同。得出的結論告訴我們,採取了西方政治經濟制度的台灣反而要比如今的大陸更加珍視傳統的中華文化核心理念,而如今的大陸在一定程度上則要比台灣更加偏向於西方的價值觀。這理想與現實的反差似乎告訴我們西方重視的價值觀也許並不如我們想象中的那麼對中華民族的胃口。我們由此認為兩岸在未來的制度改革中都應該更加注重中華傳統文化因素的考量。
Till Today, it becomes the most important event for the great rise of Chinese Mainland in 21st Century. This event will impact deeply and change the pattern of Western powers ruled the world at present. However, the outside world still have all kinds of questions to the system of Chinese Mainland. The voices that Chinese Mainland can imitate Taiwan to take the Western political and economic system are heard always. While, the experiments of exploring the system innovation that is conformed to Chinese traditional culture are also never stopped. In this context, we hope that by exploring whether the people from Taiwan and Chinese Mainland with homologous culture but under the different political and economic systems have the different values to determine whether Chinese culture can be compatible with Western system. Specifically, we collected the present sample data in Taiwan and Chinese Mainland via questionnaire survey online, and compared it with the parent population data in China and USA in 1990s which we have in hand, thereby exploring whether there is a different preferences to Taiwan and Chinese Mainland cultures and even Eastern and Western Civilizations in the different options of the values. The conclusion tells us that Taiwan who takes the Western political and economic system cherish the core ideology of Chinese traditional culture more than Chinese Mainland now. While to a certain degree, now Chinese Mainland is affected more by Western values. The contrast between the ideal and the reality seems to tell us that the values in the West may not be as good and matched to Chinese nation as we think. We thus believe that Taiwan and Chinese Mainland should pay more attention and consider more the Chinese traditional cultural factors in the future system reform.
日期: 2016-01-25T03:41:34Z
學年度: 103學年度 第二學期
開課老師: 王婉倫
課程名稱: 統計學
系所: 統計學系, 商學院

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