題名: 行銷企劃案:幾努製鞋
其他題名: Genu Shoes
作者: 何瑀蒨
關鍵字: 關節炎(Arthritis)
Genu 製鞋
Genu shoes
Decompressional technology research and development
Customized footwear
系所/單位: 國際經營與貿易學系, 商學院 土木工程學系, 建設學院
摘要: (1)目的:此份產品行銷企劃案的初衷,是為了解決為關節炎所苦的人們,找不 到合適的鞋子穿的困境。希望藉由我們所研發出來的鞋子,可以為他們帶來可以自由行動的權利,減輕行走過程中的不適。 (2)過程及方法:藉由組員們共同去發想討論和找出解決分案,再依著脈絡分配工作,搜尋資料,最後經過整理所呈現出來的彙整結果。 (3)結果:目前關節炎是全世界最常見的慢性疾病,有一百多個種類,常見的是退化性關節炎(骨性關節炎)、痛風性關節炎、類風濕性關節炎、風濕性關節炎。全世界關節炎患者有3.55億人。在亞洲地區,每六個人中就有一人在一生的某個階段患上關節炎這種世界頭號致殘性疾病,估計中國大陸的關節炎病人有1億以上,而且人數還在不斷增加。所以,我們所研發的Genu鞋,需要的市場人口很大,也因為我們有研發獨家技術,專門為關節炎患者客製化製鞋,相信我們的產品絕對可以為他們開了一扇窗,同時,也希望成為同界的領頭羊,讓大家更加重視自己的健康。
(1) Purpose: The purpose of this product marketing plan is to solve the people suffering from arthritis,who can not find the right shoes to wear the plight. Hope that we developed by the shoes, can bring them the right to freedom of movement, to reduce discomfort in the process of walking. (2) the process and methods: By the team members together to discuss and find solutions to solve the sub-case, according to the context of the distribution of work, search data, and finally collated by the presentation of the aggregate results. (3) Results: At present arthritis is the world's most common chronic diseases, there are more than 100 species, is a common degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis), gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism Arthritis. There are 355 million arthritis patients worldwide. In the Asian region, one in every six people at one time in their lives suffering from arthritis, the world's number one disabling disease, it is estimated that China's arthritis patients have more than 100 million, and the number is increasing. Therefore, we developed the Genu shoes, the market needs a large population, but also because we have exclusive R & D technology, specially customized for the arthritis footwear, we believe that our products can definitely open a window for them, at the same time , Also hope to become the leader with the community, so that we pay more attention to their health.
日期: 2017-03-06T08:57:32Z
學年度: 105學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 曾鼎翔
課程名稱: 行銷管理
系所: 國際經營與貿易學系, 商學院

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