題名: 台灣地區交通事故重建中筆錄與推算車速差異性之研究
其他題名: A Study on the Difference of Record and Estimated of Traffic Speed in Reconstruction of Traffic Accidents in Taiwan
作者: 尤至岳
關鍵字: 交通事故
difference of speed
traffic accident
系所/單位: 運輸科技與管理學系, 建設學院
摘要: 一旦發生交通事故,會造成當事人死傷、財產損失,若不能和解,在台灣地區會委託送往各區行車事故鑑定委員會或學術單位進行肇事責任的認定,提供鑑定意見書供法院進行民事、刑事判決之參考。在事故重建或事故鑑定時,有時雙方爭議點甚多,而當時的車速是關鍵因素之一。一般而言,當事者為減少本身之肇事責任,疑會在筆錄中報低自己的車速,而一般接近真實之車速不易取得。 本研究採用逢甲大學車輛行車事故鑑定研究中心分析檢察署與法院之261件囑託案件。本團隊依案件中挑選17項變數進行資料庫建置。研究方法採用一般統計分析、交叉分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析等方法加以歸納比較。在一般統計分析,計算出所有案件中,平均筆錄車速會較推算車速低6.79kph。卡方檢定發現車種、速限對筆錄車速與推算車速之差呈現顯著,而變異數分析唯有車種對筆錄車速與推算車速之差有顯著,進一步將車種進行事後多重比較,發現大型車及小客貨車的車速差異對於機車的車速差異有顯著。一般來說,很難計算台灣交通事故的實際速度。 因此,這項研究將在超速違規領域作出重大貢獻。
The study on the speed difference between the wittiness’s statement and the calculation within the traffic accident reconstruction in Taiwan Abstract Ming Shan Yeh If traffic accidents happen, it will cause the death, or injury, or property damage only. If both parties of the traffic accident cannot reach an agreement for the compensation, it will have a lawsuit. Then the district attorney or the judge will ask the local traffic accident authentication committees or the relevant academic institutions to offer the liability of the traffic accident as reference. Due the traffic accident reconstruction or the lawsuit, the actual speed is a critical issue. The interested parties will tell a lower speed in order to reduce their liabilities. Special, the speed was recorded in the statement. However, the actual speed is hard to find out. This study uses the 261 traffic accident cases entrusted by the DAs or judges to the Research Center for Traffic Accident Authentication (RCTAA), Feng Chia University. This study will select 17 variables to build the database, and then use the statistical analysis, the cross analysis, the Chi-squared test, the variable analysis, and the after-event multiplied comparison. The results show that the average speed of the statement will be 6.79 KPH below the calculated speed. The result of the Chi-squared test shows the type of vehicles, speed limit will have significant influence on the speed difference between the wittiness’s statement and the calculation. The variable analysis also shows that the type of vehicles is a significant variable. Furthermore, the after-event multiplied comparison shows that the commercial vehicles and passenger car have significant influence on the motorcycle/scooter. In general, it is very difficult to calculate the real speed in the traffic accident in Taiwan. Therefore, this study will be a significant contribution in the field of speeding violation.
日期: 2017-11-06T02:19:19Z
學年度: 105學年度第二學期
開課老師: 葉名山
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 運輸科技與管理學系, 建設學院

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