題名: 肇事科學鑑定實務 期末報告
其他題名: Accident Science and Reconstruction Practice Final Report
作者: 黃映綺
關鍵字: 路口
Traffic accident
Traffic rules
系所/單位: 財稅學系, 商學院
摘要: 交通事故時時刻刻都可能會發生,若我們一時疏忽,將可能造成無法想像的後果,交通事故絕大部分都是因為違反了交通規則而造成的,應該遵守交通規則,是每一個人的義務與責任。 隨著社會的飛速發展,生活、工作節奏也愈來愈快,汽機車成了人們的主要交通工具,為我們帶來了前所未有的方便與快捷,現在路上的車輛越來越多,馬路愈來愈擁擠,交通事故發生的次數也逐年上升,每年,有許多的生命因交通事故被帶走,許多的家庭因為交通事故破壞,我們應該遵守交通規則,經過路口應該減速慢行,遵守號誌燈,小心駕駛。
Traffic accidents can happen all the times. If we are negligent, we may cause unimaginable consequences. It is the duty and responsibility of every person to obey the traffic rules. With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work is becoming faster. Steam locomotive has become the main means of transport for us to bring unprecedented convenience and quick. There are more and more vehicles on the road, the road is getting more and more crowded, and the number of traffic accidents is increasing. Every year, many lives are taken away traffic accidents, and many families are damaged by traffic accidents. We should obey the traffic rules. After each intersection should slow down, follow the lights, drive carefully.
日期: 2018-10-18T07:29:17Z
學年度: 106學年度第二學期
開課老師: 張漢威
課程名稱: 肇事科學鑑定實務
系所: 通識教育中心

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