題名: 雷曼兄弟事件
其他題名: The Lehman Brothers Incident
作者: 林美妤
關鍵字: 雷曼兄弟事件
The Lehman Brothers Incident
Risk management and control system
Financial supervisory system
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 美國房市泡沫破裂之後,造成數兆美元不動產抵押證券重貶,不但引發世界金融體恤系紊亂脫序,全球股市平均重挫達四成以上,最後導致美國大型機構雷曼兄弟宣布破產。此次全球金融風暴反映了金融資產證券化的氾濫與失當,華爾街金童的貪婪、短視近利及國際信評公司的評等失當,營造了「非理性繁榮」的假象,使全球付出慘痛的代價。在各投資銀行不斷力求成長、轉型與創新的過程中,更應提升本身的風險控管機制與風險意識,而政府的金融監理制度則必須同步補強與更新,才能降低及避免類似危機的發生機率。本文我們將介紹雷曼兄弟破產之事件的起因、事件造成的影響及各國的解決之道。
After the burst of real estate bubbles, which cause the serious depreciation of Mortgage-backed security. Not only triggers the disorder of world’s economic system, and the global stock market also has plunged by more than forty percent. Finally, Lehman Brothers, the large institution in America declares bankrupt. This financial crisis represents the Financial Asset Securitization’s overflow, the greedy golden boy of Wall Street, and the improper action of international credit rating agency. Based on the reasons above that creates the illusion of irrational exuberance and we will pay for what we have done. From the process of growth, transformation and innovation in investment banks, that they should enhance their risk control mechanism and risk awareness, and government’s financial supervision system should reinforce and update. It can lower the possibilities of similar crisis. We will introduce the reason and effect of Lehman Brothers bankrupt, and how to solve this problem the following paragraph.
日期: 2018-10-22T09:17:22Z
學年度: 106學年度第二學期
開課老師: 吳仰哲
課程名稱: 金融機構經營與管理
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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