題名: 「讓逢甲帶著爺奶作伙走一夏」活動企劃書
其他題名: " Let Feng Chia have a walk with the elder " Project
作者: 喻敬婷
關鍵字: 跨文化領導
Cross culture leadership
new educational framework
closing learning/applying gap
Feng-Chia Da-Peng Shui-Mu International Co., Ltd.
multi-win situation
project guideline
系所/單位: 國際經營與貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 摘要 本企劃書為國貿系陳信宏老師開設之「跨文化領導」課程,在呼應學校鼓吹CDIO教學模式下,欲打破過往傳統教學下的創新教學模式。由於領導課程內的專業知識與理論,包含團隊建立、溝通協調、衝突管理、或者領導統御的相關技能,於實際舉辦大型活動過程中皆可實際操作演練,因此本次由班上共十七位學生統籌並規劃,結合校內B型企業王道中心、阿瘦實業股份有限公司、以及學校鄰居之鵬程里陳文聿里長,合力舉辦之「讓逢甲帶著爺奶作伙走一夏」活動,創造一個多方皆有所獲的局面。本企劃書內主要內容,包含活動緣起、主旨、目標對象、預期效益、預算表及相關流程,預期透過相關訊息與資訊的紀錄,提供未來執行相關活動之參考。 大鵬新城社區為位處商學院旁的鄰居,因眷村改建的背景,目前仍有約七百位銀髮長者居住,因而本次活動的目的,希望能架構起逢甲大學和大鵬新城社區之間的橋樑,讓學校不再只是社區旁的幾棟建築,而是能互利共存的夥伴。過程中也融入阿瘦企業的角度與資源,讓整體活動和學生接觸並融會企業的觀點。   本活動將班級學生分為活動組、公關組以及財務組三個組別來進行,各組別所負責之主要事項如下: ¯ 活動組:規劃活動流程、設計關卡內容、道具製作以及人員的運用安排。 ¯ 公關組:活動宣傳、文宣設計、撰寫新聞稿以及招募工作人員、參加者。 ¯ 財務組:洽談場地、物品租借、總花費概算以及處理相關費用核銷問題。   透過這次活動的舉辦,不僅使得大鵬新城社區的銀髮長者對於逢甲大學有新的認識,學生們也在規劃活動的過程中學習到領導相關的理論與概念,並透過實際操作,以及與企業端合作,降低學校與產業間常存的學用落差,創造參與多方多贏的局面。
Abstract This project guideline is constructed by students from the course “cross culture leadership”, in respond to the CDIO educational framework. The leadership course’s expertise, which are team establishment, communication coordination, conflict management, and other key abilities about leadership can be exercised during the process of executing a grand event. Assisted by B Academy from Feng Chia University, Shui-Mu International Co., Ltd. and Peng Cheng village administrator Weng-Yu Chen, students managed to host the event successfully. This project guideline includes the origin of the event, purposes, target audience, expected benefits, budget statement, and standard operation procedure. The guideline can be used as an example for the event planning in expectation. “Da Peng” is a community based on a military dependents’ village, its composition of population is mostly veterans with their family. There are around 700 senior citizens live in this community. The purpose of this event is to build a connection between Da Peng and Feng Chia University, in order to make mutual benefit to each other. Furthermore, by fusing Shui-Mu International Co., Ltd.’s resources, students can learn how to see and work with corporation perspective. The class is divided into three divisions, which are event planning, public relations and finance group. Each group’s main duties are listed below: EPG: Event planning, level design, props making and manpower utilization. PRG: Event propaganda, press release writing, recruit participants and staff. FG: Space and items renting, budget estimation and allowance cancellation. Through the hosting of this event, students have not only made the senior citizens in Da Peng community learn more about Feng Chia University, but also recognized the theories and concepts of leadership during the process. By practicing and collaborating with corporation, students can tighten the gap between learning and applying. Create a multi-win situation.
日期: 2019-10-08T05:57:15Z
學年度: 107學年度第二學期
開課老師: 陳信宏
課程名稱: 跨文化領導
系所: 國際經營與貿易學系, 商學院

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