題名: 大型重型機車於一般道路路權認知問題
其他題名: Cognition of the right of way for large heavy-duty motorcycle on general roads
作者: 蔡怡玟
關鍵字: 大型重型機車
large heavy-duty motorcycle
Cognitive differences
Right of way
系所/單位: 運輸與物流學系
摘要: 大型重型機車進入我國並開始使用之初普及度較低,因此民眾對於大型重型機車之研究及定義較不重視,而根據報考人數可知,近年來此機動車之使用人數逐年上升。儘管如此,大型重型機車使用者比例依然較低,使得一般民眾對其了解不深,導致大型重機騎士與一般用路人間紛爭不斷。因此,本研究以大型重機騎士與一般用路人間之認知程度為切入,尋找兩群體間認知差異及認知錯誤之處,藉此探討其造成之因素,提出相關建議。本研究以對兩大群體發放問卷,蒐集其對於大型重機之分類、權利及駕駛行為(超車、併行及車道分割)等相關問題之認知程度及錯誤部分進行分析。本研究之結果發現我國用路人,包含大型重機騎士及一般用路人,對於大型機車之停車問題認知不足,對此將參考大型重型機車使用率較高之國家對於停車格之劃設方式,探討適用於我國之可行性。此外,一般用路人對於大型重機之分類混淆嚴重,本研究將對駕駛訓練內容提出改善建議,提高一般用路人對於大型重機之認知,以增加道路安全。
The popularity of large heavy-duty motorcycle was low when they entered Taiwan and started being used. Hence, people pay less attention to the research and definition of large heavy-duty motorcycle. According to the number of applicants for driving license test, in recent years, this motor vehicle's user increased year by year. Despite this, the proportion of large heavy-duty motorcycle users is still low, so that the public do not know much about it, leading to large heavy-duty riders and the general road users in constant disputes. Therefore, this research is based on the degree of cognition between the large heavy-duty riders and the general road users, finds the cognitive differences and cognitive errors between the two groups, explores the factors that cause it, and makes relevant recommendations. The research is to issue questionnaires to the two groups and collect their understanding of the classification, rights and driving behaviors (overtaking, parallel and lane splitting) of large heavy machinery and other related issues and analyze the errors. The results of the study found that the general road users in Taiwan, including large heavy-duty riders and general users, have insufficient awareness of the parking problem of large heavy-duty motorcycle. In this regard, we will refer to the designation of parking grids in countries with high utilization rates of large heavy-duty motorcycle and explore the feasibility of applying to our country. In addition, ordinary passers-by are also very confused about the classification of large heavy-duty motorcycles. This study will put forward suggestions for improving the contents of driving training, so that enhance the general users' awareness of large heavy-duty motorcycle and increase road safety.
日期: 2021-04-23T03:10:34Z
學年度: 109學年度第一學期
開課老師: 蘇昭銘
課程名稱: 交通法規與政策
系所: 運輸與物流學系

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