題名: 便利商店App的消費者使用調查
其他題名: A Survey on Consumers' Use of Convenience Store Applications
作者: 賴琬蓁
關鍵字: 行動應用程式
mobile apps
convenience stores
digital transformation
系所/單位: 國際經營與貿易學系
摘要: 近十年來,行動裝置日趨盛行,現代人生活中對其的依賴程度也越來越高。為了因應市場時空的變化,許多店家都進行了數位轉型並且推出了專屬的行動應用程式,以提高消費者與店家間的聯繫,在提高消費者使用的便利性的同時,店家也能更快速的了解消費者的購物喜好,便利超商產業也是如此。 本研究收集消費者對四大超商App的下載與使用行為資料,並且使用「Excel」及「SPSS的多重回應次數分配功能」進行單選題和複選題的資料分析。結果發現,有使用過超商App的消費者對於App的使用頻率,最高為一週一次以下、其次是一週3~5次。該頻率與消費者實際購物習慣有關,因為在超商App中有許多功能都是與實體店面做結合的,像是咖啡寄杯、雲端列印、累積點數等等,實體通路扮演重要管道,因此加強線上線下購物的虛實整合,讓超商App的使用者可以選擇性的在第一時間接收到與實體店面活動、商品庫存等資訊,不僅可以增加消費者對於App的使用頻率,還可以透過超商App來拉近與消費者的關係。
In the past ten years, mobile devices have become more popular, and people increasingly rely on the mobile devices in their lives. To keep up with the changes in the market, many businesses have proceeded digital transformation and launched their own mobile applications to improve the connections between consumers and businesses. While enhancing the convenience of consumers, businesses can also understand consumer preferences in a faster way. The phenomenon is observed in the convenience store industry. This study collected the consumer’s data on the download and usage behavior of convenience store apps, and analyzed single-choice questions with Excel and multiple-choice questions with SPSS's multiple response frequency allocation function. The results found that, for consumers who have used the convenience stores application, the highest frequency of using the application is less than once a week, followed by three to five times a week. The frequency results were related to the shopping habits. Many functions of the convenience store applidcations are integrated with the brick-and-mortar store, such as sending coffee cups, cloud printing, accumulating points, and so on. The brick-and-mortar plays an important channel. Once the online and offline shopping is integrated, users of convenience store applications can selectively receive information about brick-and-mortar store activities and product inventory immediately. It can not only increase consumers' usage frequency, but create a closer relationship with consumers.
日期: 2021-04-28T08:22:39Z
學年度: 109學年度第一學期
開課老師: 葉敬軒
課程名稱: 社群媒體行銷專題
系所: 國際經營與貿易學系

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